
Showing posts from October, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! Today we did lots of Halloween related activities and we had our own little Halloween party after lunch.   There were lots of nice costumes and we had a great time.  We also visited the other grade five classrooms to show off our costumes and to see theirs! I will post  a class picture later! Be safe, and have fun tonight when you're out and about! - Ms. Doyle :)

C'est L'Halloween (well almost....)

Today we visited the grade six ICF class and they presented a Halloween play for us - "C'est l'Halloween"!  We really emjoyed that and it  seems there a lot of students who are interested in entering ICF next year! :) Sooo, Monday is Halloween so we want you to remind the children to bring their costumes for after lunch, and bring a snack or treat to share with the class if they want!  Remember - no peanuts!  :) Have a great weekend ! - Ms. Doyle!

Buddy Reading

We had a good day today!   To end the day off we spent some time with our buddy readers and helped them finish a Halloween art activity.  Mrs. McDonalds brought in some of her own books for the class to read to their buddies, so our afternoon was very exciting! We have been forgetting to write on the board to remind them about bringing in their own books for buddy reading, but  we will try our best to remember from now on. - Ms. Doyle :)

Blank Cheques

Today in math we did some work with blank cheques and the kids seemed to really enjoy that.  It was fun pretending that we had the amount of money that was written on our cheques!  We used this to help with learning how to add and subtract decimals, and it is always good to learn how to use math in a practical way! - Ms. Doyle :)

Halloween is coming!

Today we started some Halloween related activities!  We did a Halloween reading comprehension about Trick-or-Treating and we reviewed some French Halloween vocab.  We have lots of other Halloween activities planned for the rest of the week, so I think we're going to have a spookishly awesome time! :) - Ms. Doyle :)

Group Work

October 24, 2011 Today we did some group work in math and did an activity called "Blank Cheque". We had to roll numbers and figure out the best place to put them to create the greatest amount on our cheque. We then added our group's total and compared it to that of other groups. It was a lot of fun and we learned a lot about decimals as well!

Picture Day

Today was picture day which caused a lot of excitement with everyone! We also found time to continue working on our novel study and learned about some things that were happening in Denmark during the second World War. In Math, we worked on some Halloween problem solving. Students also enjoyed getting started on their friendship books in French. It was a very busy day!


October 20, 2011 Today in math we did some estimating decimals and used a thousandths grid to help us. We had to color in the blocks on the thousandths grid to help us determine how much of a whole was left. It was a fun activity and everyone did really well!

Special Visitor!

October 19, 2011 Today we had a special visit from some clowns who came to encourage us to participate in the lap-a-thon! Sponsor sheets were sent home today! In math today, students practiced explaining their thinking when solving a problem. We learned how to make sure we give enough details and to use math vocabulary. In French, we did a fun activity where we had to match a picture of a person with a sentence describing their physical characteristics, such as hair and eye color and age. It was a busy, fun and enjoyable day!

Busy Day!

October 18, 2011 Today was a very busy day! We had music, gym and buddy reading with our Grade 2 friends. We also worked hard on some math this morning and students really enjoyed hearing the first chapter of our novel, Number the Stars. They are looking forward to hearing the next chapter tomorrow!

October 17, 2011

Today Ms. Doyle introduced a new novel study of the book "Number the Stars". This book is set in the 1940s and is based on the facts surrounding the Holocaust. Students were given some background information and had a great discussion. We were surprised at how much they already knew about this historical period. They are really excited to start reading tomorrow!

Math Test and Reasoning

Ms. Doyle and I have finished correcting the Math tests and we are very pleased with the results.  On the actual test the students performed very well.  The reasoning question proved a little more challenging.  There is a rubric attached to the Reasoning question which shows you how your child performed on that piece of the test.  Even though some students received a grade in the 80's or 90's on their test it does not mean that they will automatically score a 5 in Numeration on the report card.  I will need to take into account the other work they completed during the unit as well as how they performed on the reasoning portion of the test. We will continue to work on Math reasoning throughout the year and I am sure we will see improvement. Deanne Burton Snow

Fun during Music class

When I went to pick my "kids" up from Music class today they looked like they were engaged in some sort of African tribal ritual.  There was an inner and outer circle and they were moving in tune with the music, well at least some of them were.  Given my lack of musical aptitude I could not seem to follow it.  I'm sure your child will be able to explain it to you.

Mme McNeil makes a visit

Mme McNeil visited our class today.  She completed a learning style survey with all the students.  We found out how SMART we are.  Do you know if you are NAUURE SMART LOGIC SMART BODY SMART PEOPLE SMART NUMBER/LOGIC SMART SELF SMART PICTURE SMART MUSIC SMART


Today Mr. Walter showed my class how to blog.  The students had to look at the Van Gogh picture on my website and make comments.  It was an interesting activity.
Please comment on this Van Gogh painting Starry Night

Base 10 with the Smartboard

Today Ms. Doyle delivered a lesson by using the Smartboard.  The students represented numbers like 1.123 using base ten blocks.  Everyone LOVES having a turn at the Smartboard.

Base 10 with the Smartboard

Today Ms. Doyle delivered a lesson by using the Smartboard.  The students represented numbers like 1.123 using base ten blocks.  Everyone LOVES having a turn at the Smartboard.


Today we spent some time trying to model tenths, hundredths, thousandths on a thousandths grid.

Internet Trouble

Hi everyone, Just to let you know that my home computer is on the blink and our Internet connection at school is on the fritz.  I will be unable to update this page or check my e-mail for a couple of days.

I forgot about Music.

Oops!  You have Music on Monday!  I forgot to write this reminder on the board yesterday.