
Showing posts from December, 2011

Happy New Year from Mme

Stay tuned for a photo!

Merry Christmas from two Snows!


The photos of symbols in MQP Church that I promised

A nativity scene   The Advent Wreath  

Merry Christmas

Today we watched ELF and went to the sing along. We had Gym and I only got tagged once. This is the last day before Christmas holidays. We all can't wait till Christ mas Eve. Now we are not back till Jan.3. Sarah About the Author: Loves the colour pink. I love Justin Bieber. ho ho ho   Me rry Christmas Good work, Sarah.  Getting tagged only once is quite a feat!  We will edit your work in January, but if you do check this blog over the holidays you should try to see what you would fix.  Mme. Burton Snow

A visit to Mary Queen of Peace Church

Today Father Romy taught us about the significance of the nativity, advent wreath and cross.  Here are a couple of photos from our outing. Sorry some camera issues.  I'll give it another shot tomorrow night.

Updated slideshow for "Number the Stars"

Check this one out too.  I'll show you guys both of them on the SmartBoard tomorrow. Mme Number the Stars on PhotoPeach <object width="445" height="335"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"/><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/><param name="flashvars" value="photos="/><embed src=" " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="445" height="335" flashvars="photos=

Trying something new

I am trying to put more of the students artwork on this blog so that everyone can see the fruits of their labour. I have to learn how to actually embed the slideshow here, but for now this link should do. Check this out.  I think it's beautiful! Representing the Nativity on PhotoPeach <object width="445" height="335"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"/><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/><param name="flashvars" value="photos="/><embed src=" " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true

Way to go girls!

Congratulations to Sarah J., Sarah-Kate, Laura, Emily, Elly and Mary Ann on a job well done.  I know you spent a lot of time rehearsing for the school musical and I am very proud of all of you.  The class looks forward to seeing you perform tomorrow.

Michael's fun day!

Today we did Number the Stars. We did the hard activity, the options were write a letter to Annemarie or write a play. Then we had snack. After snack we had Math. We corrected the work from yesterday and made questions from the bar graphs we brought in from home. Then we had lunch. After lunch we had Social Studies, we drew a picture about the environment. Then we had Religon, we coloured the holy candles. About the Author:  Michael likes green monkeys likes hockey Michael, this is a good synopsis of our day.  Your spelling is good.  Now we need to concentrate on capitalization and punctuation.  Remember, capital letters for book titles and subjects.   Mme

I hope this works

Have a look at the representations that the students did after we finished reading the novel Number the Stars .  I am going to try hard to learn how to create varied slideshows of student work so be sure to stay tuned.  Watch this show with your child to find out which creation belongs to them. P.S.  The slideshow is not finished, there are a couple more photos that I need to add.

A Really Fun Day

Today we had French in the morning because the choir members had to go for practice all day! In French we did a quiz. After we had lunch we finished up thank you cards or a song from this morning. After we finished the thank you cards we coloured the French booklet on Christmas. I had a really fun day! By Grace Grace, this is a very good post.  You have written in full sentences and it is obvious that you worked on your punctuation and spelling.  I only see a couple of things that we should fix.  Keep up the good work!   Mme

Devon's and Jakob's fun day!

First we had Gym, we missed 10 minutes because we forgot we had it. In Gym we played Omnican 4 Square. Then we had recess. We went to Mr. Maynard's class and made a bar graph. After lunch we had L.A.  I made a sculpture, it was a basket. It had an apple,cheese, a little package and bread. THE END About the Authors Devon:  He likes hockey, blue monkeys and is a hockey goalie. Jakob:  He likes hockey, purple monkeys and is a hockey player. Jakob and Devon, I really like your About the Authors section.  Now let's focus on improving your punctuation and capitalization.    Mme

Elly, this is for you...

1) un tambour  -a fancy porch 2) un magasin -a store 3) un bateau -a boat 4) un drapeau -a flag 5) un cheval -a horse 6) une carte -a map 7) un musee -a museum 8) une patisserie -a bakery 9) un festival - a festival 10) un phare -a lighthouse Elly, I have left off the accents here as this program will not allow me to put them in. Hope this helps, Mme Burton Snow


Today we had a math quiz (quizs are differnt then tests because Dafydd, did not have time to finish this today.  He will finish this post on Monday.


Well the title sums up a bit of the day, we had band and that was AWESOME. We learned some new notes, I sucked really bad. We had Math. We finished up  Number the Stars, the ending was sick WOOT. We did a Math quiz today, it was interesting, not hard. In fact it was REALLY easy, but I'm sure I screwed something up.  I'm going home now. It was a cool day and even better TOMORROW'S FRIDAY WOOT! Kobe, it seems like you had a pretty busy day.  We will review this post in class tomorrow and fix your spelling and punctuation errors.  I like your title, it is creative!

Sam's awesome day

Today at school we played a fun game at intramurals and Daniel made an awesome save. After that we had Music and that was pretty fun. Sam, I am glad that you enjoyed your Music class.  We will fix your spelling errors tomorrow as a class. Keep working hard!

What we did today !!!

Today we had gym and it was a lot of fun we also had music and we went on Music Ace Mistro !!! Ms Burton Snow told us that she does not want Christmas presents this year instead she wants us to go out and buy some crayons,colouring books, socks, hat ,mitts,etc. for  people who don`t have as much things as we do ( A note went home about it today. )                                                                                                By Shaelan Good work, Shalean!  Now you need to work on your capital letters and periods.  Let me know what needs to be fixed and we will edit this post tomorrow.

Newfoundland flag

In Social Studies we learned what the symbols on the Newfoundland  flag mean. By:  Emily As everyone can see I have begun to ask the students to write something about their day.  Emily was first up to bat.  Good work, Emily!

Oh no, I forgot to add Music to the homework reminders

Music Monday.  I hope you all kept your bags in your lockers like Ms. Cumbie suggested.

Book Fair

Today we visited the book fair and the bake sale.  Many students found a great new book to buy or order.  Let's just say that there are many students crossing their fingers in the hopes that they win the Ice Caps jersey.