
Showing posts from May, 2012

CNIB Presentation

Today I asked two employees from the Canadian National Institute for the Blind to come to our class to discuss vision health.  They delivered a great presentation and the students learned how they can protect their eyes.  Not sitting too close to the tv, wearing sunglasses all year when needed and eating the correct foods were discussed. The students enjoyed seeing the white cane and learned why it is red at the bottom.  Tomorrow they will have a short listening quiz on the material they learned today.


Last Friday we went to the Gurdwara for our special visit.  The students enjoyed a great presentation and learned a lot about Sikhism.  The funniest part of the trip was when Mr. Wadhwa showed us how to wrap a turban.  The students also enjoyed timbits and juice compliments of our Sikh friends. This is where they place their holy book. This is one of the five K's.  This is the comb that Sikh men keep in their hair. Ask your child the K word for the comb to see if they remember.

Don't forget your old shirt

Hey everyone, Don't forgot to come dressed for printmaking tomorrow, it can be a messy business!  Mary Ann's mom will be coming to help us out. Mme Burton Snow

Visiting Artist photos from today


What Ms. Ryan was talking about

This is an example of the bottom of a print. It is #44/50. Remember you will have only a couple of prints of your artwork so they will be valuable.

Visiting Artist

Today our Visiting Artist came to our classroom to begin our work on printmaking. The students completed their first sketch today. Tomorrow we will etch our prints into styrofoam trays and next week we will do the actual printing.

Volunteer found

Hi everyone, Grace's mom has agreed to come with us to our field trip on Friday. Thanks so much Ms. Bradley!

A parent volunteer

If any parent is able to go to the Gurdwara with us on Friday that would be great!  E-mail me to let me know or write a note in your child's agenda. Thanks, Deanne

Natural Resources Presentation

Today we heard a presentation on renewable and non-renewable resources.  Our presenter came from Alberta and had a presentation ready focusing on Newfoundland resources.  She also asked the students how they can show stewardship to the environment.  They told her things like: carpooling biking reducing, reusing, recycling turning off the water when brushing their teeth turning off the lights in the classroom at the end of the school day or using less lights during the school day

May 24th Weekend

 Maybe you rode your bike or did something else outside. She was as scared as some of you are when I announce a pop quiz.  Perhaps you fed some ducks. She was as excited as Annie gets when someone comes to the door. Maybe you had a picnic. She ate as slow as our class computer. Did you take time to smell the flowers? I am as happy as a clam! Whatever you did, I want to hear about it.  This week we will brainstorm all the things that you did over the long weekend.  We're going to work on writing using smilies.

Heads up on the next French video

This weekend I'm going to work on the final French video for the term.  I am sure you will find them amusing and hopefully educational. I'll send home a reminder note on Tuesday about your final term French interview.  Remember to stay tuned to this blog to see the videos. Hopefully I can get Mr. Walter to help me upload the videos on Tuesday.  If not, they will be there by Wednesday or Thursday of next week. Bonne Chance!

Quite a busy schedule

Just in case you're wondering... Here is a list of some of our upcoming events: MAY Tuesday, May 22 at 9:15  Natural Resources Presentation Wednesday, May 23 Visiting Artist Session 1 Thursday, May 24 Visiting Artist Session 2 Friday, May 25 Visit to the Gurdwara 10:00-11:15 Monday, May 28 Kids Eat Smart Presentation Wednesday, May 30 CNIB Presentation at 9:30 and Olympics Opening Ceremony in the PM Thursday, May 31 Tentative Visiting Artist Final Session JUNE Tuesday, June 5 Auditory Health Presentation at 10:00 Friday, June 8 Active Living Presentation Tuesday, June 12 iMath Day Friday, June 15 Ocean Sciences Touchtank Presentation Plus there is still more.  So when you ask them "What did you do in school today?"  and they say "Nothing."  Now you know what you can ask them about.  Thought you would like to know.

A Visiting Artist

I wasn't planning on it, but there was some leftover grant money at the Arts Council so I couldn't resist submitting an application. I am delighted to report that my application was successful and the three Grade 5 English classes are going to be working with Ms. Pat Ryan beginning next week.  Many of you might remember Ms. Ryan from last year as you would have received some beautiful Mother's Day watercolor paintings courtesy of her instruction. This year I have asked her to try printmaking with the students because I know nothing about it myself.  Ms. Ryan will spend approximately three hours with each class over the course of the next two weeks.

Vintage Computer

Sorry I have not been able to check my e-mails or update the blog for a couple of days.  My vintage computer at school is causing me great grief.  Mr. Walter promises me that he will get to it early next week so hopefully by next Friday I'll be back in the game. In the meantime I will try to update things at home although it might be a little later in the day before you see a post.

Math test postponed for a day

Hi everyone, Your Math Test will now be on Friday of this week instead of Thursday.  I would like to do a little more review with you on Thursday morning.

Happy Mother's Day!

I hope all the Mothers, Aunts, Dance Teachers, etc. enjoyed their "embroidered" bookmarks.  At the end of the day if they could thread the needle, I called that a success!

Titanic and Lorax Personal and Critical Responses

Today we reviewed a reading comprehension test on the Titanic.  Tomorrow we will review answers to the Lorax reading comprehension test that the students completed last week.  Please read the note that I have attached to the front of these two tests.  With the permission of four students and their parents/guardians I have re-typed some well crafted responses and will be sending them home tomorrow.  Don't forget to send in your Sikh and Sportsfest permission forms.


Today we flipped coins to see how many times we got heads or tails. I got heads more than tails. By: Elly Furukawa

A change in plans

Well, I just got off the phone with my Sikh presenter and it seems that they have another function on Wednesday, May 23 so the French Immersion classes will not be able to attend the session on that day.  Instead, all classes will be attending on May 16.  Sorry to the girls in my class who have to leave early on May 16 to attend their dance concerts, it looks like you're going to miss this one.

Gurdwara field trip

So it's finally off to the Gurdwara for us!  I have been trying since October to arrange a Sikhism presentation and finally I have been rewarded.  On Wednesday, May 16, 2012 the Grade 5 English classes will be going to the Gurdwara in Logy Bay to hear a presentatation.  If for some reason your child will be out of school on Wednesday, May 16, 2012 in the afternoon it would be great to know this as soon as possible.  I can likely arrange for any students who will be out on May 16 to go with the French Immersion classes on May 23.