
Showing posts from November, 2012

Delayed report cards and early interview times

For those of you who have checked out the MQP homepage you know that the report cards which were scheduled to go home on Friday are now going to be issued to students on Tuesday, December 4.  I am still going ahead with some interviews prior to that date. Here is my current schedule For the Friday November 30 interviews I can let you see a copy of the report card, but I can't let you take it with you. Send me an e-mail if any of these times work for you. Thanks Friday November 30 @ 2:45 (sorry, this one is taken) Friday November 30 @ 2:55 (sorry, this one is taken) Friday November 30 @ 3:05 (this one is still up for grabs) Tuesday, December 4 @ 2:45 (still available) Tuesday, December 4 @ 2:55 (still available) Tuesday, December 4 @ 3:05 (still available) Tuesday, December 4 @ 3:15 (sorry, this one is taken) Tuesday, December 4 @ 3:25 (sorry, this one is taken) All of my Wednesday appointments are still available too. 2:45-2:55 2:55-3:05 3:05-3:15 3:15-3:25 3:25-

Anyone want an early interview?

Our scheduled interview date is Thursday, December 6th, but I often have interviews before that date.  The report cards will be issued next Friday, November 30. If you would like an interview on Friday November 30 from 2:45-2:55 2:55-3:05 3:05-3:15 you can e-mail me to let me know Perhaps you would prefer Tuesday, December 4 from 2:45-2:55 2:55-3:05 3:05-3:15 3:15-3:25 (Sorry, this one is already taken) 3:25- 3:35 Or you might like Wednesday, December 5 from 2:45-2:55 2:55-3:05 3:05-3:15 3:15-3:25 3:25- 3:35 Send me an e-mail and I will confirm a time with you.  I will send home a paper copy of this message tomorrow.

Have a look at our Art! Follow the link. The students had to represent part of a text.  They could hoose between pastels, watercolour paint or clay.  You should be able to click on a picture and make it bigger. Enjoy!

My short term goal

My short term goal is turning into a long term goal.  I had hoped to created two cowls (little scarves) for my sisters for Christmas.  So far this is what I've got.... I think they're going to have to share. I think the imperfections add character... at least that's what I'm telling myself.

I can appreciate this

because I know how much work went into it.  Thank you to Emily D's nanny who sent in this homemade scarf to me last week.  I'll be wearing it this week for sure! This should help me keep warm!

An overdue thanks

It seems like there are some pretty talented grandmothers out there.  Thank-you to John Stanley's nanny for making me this Halloween scarf. A spooky scarf

Cha Cha Slide

It's time to get funky! The Active Living Team at school has asked us to begin our Cha Cha Slide again.  It's been a few years since we've done this as a school, but my students have proven they are stars!  I have never seen a class move in unison like these guys.  Here are a few photos from last Friday.  Reverse, Reverse  

Adam reaches his short term goal and John adds with Base 10

Congrats to the two boys listed above. Adam reached his short term goal.  He was a handler in a recent dog show. John made me happy.  He learned how to add with Base 10.  Four hard tries, but he didn't give up!  He was pretty happy with himself too. 

Emily, eat your banana first!

...and that goes for the rest of you too.  Enough Halloween junk!

This teacher is going down

because she has some awful bug.  Remember everyone, wash those hands!  The germs are spreading around this room quickly!

A big batch of tests

was sent home today.  I'll post the note that I attached to the tests here this weekend.

Mya gets her shout out!

She was selected as one of the four finalists in the St. John's Public Library Ghost Story Writing Contest.  An author will read her work tonight and select the winnner!  Good Luck, Mya!

Congratulations to Maria!

She was awarded the role of elf in our school musical.  Way to go, Maria!