
Showing posts from June, 2015

Thank you for a great year and have a wonderful summer!

I'd like to take an opportunity to thank you all, parents and students, for such a wonderful year. You've all been very accepting and supportive throughout the year and it's been a pleasure getting to know you all. Each and every one of your children have touched a special place in my heart and they will never be forgotten. I wish them the best of luck in Grade 6 and beyond.  Thank you for all your generous gifts and kind words. Have an enjoyable and safe summer with your friends and family! Ms. Sara Ropson

Thank you

Thank you to you all for sending in the various items we needed for the French cafe. The students had a wonderful time sharing the French experience and culture with the Grade 4's. Special events like this are made possible because of your generosity and support. Have a wonderful weekend! Ms. Ropson

French Cafe

Don't forget tomorrow we are hosting our French Cafe! Please remember to bring in your food item as indicated on the memo sent home earlier this week. We will be starting first thing in the morning. I have heard that the Grade 4's are very excited about attending!

Supply List

For your information: Supply lists went home yesterday with students. IF you choose to order your child's school supplies from Staples using this reference code supplied on the memo you will notice that the list is titled "Grade 6 English Supply List." This is the list for both English and ICF classes; the supply list is the same for all classes. Thank you, Ms. Ropson

Fun Day!

What a wonderful day had by all! I was so proud of you all today as you played hard while showing great respect for others and good sportsmanship. Extra special thank you to those few students who cleaned up all the litter that was left behind by others on the ball field. We should all sleep well tonight, what a workout we had! Ms. Ropson