
Showing posts from June, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

       We are still working on your Father's Day "gifts", don't worry they will be worth the wait!                                                                  

And on the way back from the pond

On the way back from Kenny's Pond this was what was spotted in the tall grass.  Shaelan asked me to put it on the blog so here it is for her.  I must say I felt a little like this mama duck with 20 of my own ducklings in tow.  I had her beat, she only had four or five.

A little girl is a big hit!

On Thursday this little lady arrived to pick up something from mommy.  She enjoyed playing with the Base 10 manipulatives.

Kenny's Pond and Dr. Furlong

We went for a walk around Kenny's Pond last Friday.  Each student took a photo of something special that was around or near the pond.  They will work in groups on Tuesday to compile a photo essay about Kenny's Pond. In the afternoon I arranged for my dentist, Dr. Rob Furlong, to come to the class to give a presentation about dental health.  Dr. Furlong was kind enough to bring a bag of dental goodies for everyone.  We learned a lot about teeth, fluoride and the proper way to brush. Here are a couple of photos from the day.  Sharing a very important message  Let me know who took this one so I can give you credit here. I think Grace took this one.   Dr. Furlong's enormous toothbrush was a real hit!

Field Trip on Monday

Don't forget to bring your field trip form for our field trip to the Mews Centre and Plaza Bowl.  If you forgot your form mom or dad can write a little note to say you have permission to go to the Mews Centre and Plaza Bowl on Monday, January 20th, 2011. Parent Signature: ______________________

Division Games

Today we spent some time in the computer lab working on some division games.  You can find the links for these games on my links page, the 3rd link down for today's date. I would encourage the students to play these games at home as much as possible.


Skipping along  This Assistant Principal has got some fierce moves!  I'm waiting Preparing for the three legged race  More preparation  And more preparation Taking a much needed rest.  It is tough being defeated by girls! Time for a chat Young Love he, he, he I know you guys love a good joke!

My camera is fixed!

Yippee!!  $55.00 later and my camera is now fixed.  I am going to make it a goal to add a couple of photos every day this week.  Stay tuned tomorrow for photos of our Fun Day (weather depending of course).

Geo Centre and Recreational Mathematics

Yummy, a Math game about chocolates! Today we had a great day.  We began our day at the Geo Centre with studying Rocks and Minerals.  We looked at things like streak, lustre and magnetism.  In the afternoon my friend, Dr. John Grant McLoughlin, visited from the University of New Brunswick. Dr. McLoughlin is a Math Education professor who specializes in Recreational Mathematics.  The students had time to work with him on magic squares and some fun Math games.  Have a look at the photos of both events. Rocks and Minerals in our everyday lives Panning for gold!  The Geo Centre  Working together to solve a challenging Math puzzle!  This was an answer to a Mathematical equation posed by one of my students.  Dr. McLoughlin used the lattice method of multiplication to help him figure out a multiplication equation that had a product in the billions.  This took him about two minutes.  

Sun Safety

Today we talked about sun safety.  My students knew quite a bit about ways to protect themselves from the sun's harmful rays. We made SunSafe Fortunetellers... courtesy of the Canadian Cancer Foundation.

KIds Eat Smart

Today we had Ms. Stephanie O'Brien from the Kids Eat Smart Foundation come to our class to discuss healthy eating habits and the importance of eating from the 4 food groups.

Abby's Determination

Today Abby demonstrated that she wasn't about to give up on multiplication.  Good for you, Abby!

Way to go, Daniel!

Today Daniel got expanded form multiplication down pat!  Way to go, Daniel!

Women and Woman

Today Riley learned that there is a plural form for the word woman. See Riley, I told you I'd write it here.  Madame

Responding to Art

Today the students worked in groups and responded to four pieces of art.