
Showing posts from April, 2012

Upcoming French Quiz

French Quiz Thursday, May 10, 2012 (Cowley and Burton Snow) Monday, May 14, 2012 (Maynard) You will hear me call out a number between 0-39 in French and then you will need to write the number that I say.   For example, if I say the number onze, you will need to write 11.   You do not need to know how to spell the words. 0 zéro 1 un 2 deux 3 trois 4 quatre 5 cinq 6 six 7 sept 8 huit 9 neuf 10 dix 11 onze 12 douze 13 treize 14 quatorze 15 quinze 16 seize 17 dix-sept 18 dix-huit 19 dix-neuf 20 vingt 21 vingt et un 22 vingt-deux 23 vingt-trois 24 vingt-quatre 25 vingt-cinq 26 vingt-six 27 vingt-sept 28 vingt-huit 29 vingt-neuf 30 trente 31 trente et un 32 trente-deux 33 trente-trois 34 trente-quatre 35 trente-cinq 36 trente-six 37 trente-sept 38 trente-huit 39 trente-neuf To practice your numbers you should visit my blog on the MQP website.   Click on Links and scroll down until you get to practicing

Time keeps on ticking, ticking, ticking...

into the future.  It seems that time just got away from us today.  We were so busy preparing for our Earth Day Assembly tomorrow that introducing how to change fractions into decimals just didn't happen.  We'll see what tomorrow brings.  In any case, the Math homework that was orignally planned for tonight has been scraped.  Get out and enjoy the nice weather guys!

The Lorax

Technology Today

Today Mr. Walter showed my students four infographs concentrating on recycling.  Mr. Walter asked the students to choose one of the four infographs and find interesting facts to place on a graphic organizer.  It was a challenge for some students as they had to really concentrate on a fact and type it in a text box instead of copying and pasting.  Some good skills learned in the lab today!

Homework for April 25

1) Volunteer Social May 3* 2) R. Log 3) Math- do page 59 in dua-tang 4) Gym tomorrow

Signal Hill

Signal Hill Photo Credit:  Shaelan
Kenny's Pond Photo Credit:  Daniel

Good Luck at the concert tonight

Good Luck to Jack, Sarah J, Sarah-Kate, Elly, Mary Ann and Emily tonight.  I hope I didn't miss anyone.  I can't wait to see you perform tonight!

Getting things done

This afternoon we worked on finishing up 8 pieces of work.  The work included 1) finishing an Easter vacation journal entry 2) completing the scene of either Signal Hill or Kenny's Pond with pastels 3) finishing the French menu 4) putting a copy of one of our Earth Day songs in the Music dua-tang 5) Copying homework 6 and 7) Preparing various posters for the Earth Day Assembly next Friday 8) Completing the Religion work on the Paschal Candle It was quite a busy afternoon!

Soaking up the Sun

We took advantage of the beautiful weather today to do an environmental art activity.  We walked over to Kenny's Pond and sat on a hill overlooking the pond.  The students sketched the scene in front of them.  Then we walked around to the front of our school and sketched the beautiful view of Signal Hill.  We truly have a school located in an excellent location for artistic endeavours! We tried to take a few photos of the event, but unfortunately the old school digital cameras didn't want to cooperate.  Is there anyone out there that might have an old digital camera to donate to our class?  We could keep it in our classroom to help us capture some memories for the blog.  Thanks.

Equivalent Fractions

We are now working on making equivalent fractions.  We did some activities with counters today to show equivalent fractions.  Each student has one equivalent fraction question to complete for homework.  We will continue our work on writing equivalent fractions tomorrow.

Back for the final push

Well, I hope everyone had a good Easter break.  From the sounds of our brainstorming session today it was a pretty eventful Easter.  Everything from sleepovers, trips around the bay, trampoline jumping and hockey tournaments.  I am glad the weather cooperated and everyone was able to get outside to soak up some sunshine. I will try to get a couple of volunteers to write their Easter journal entry here tomorrow.  Stay tuned!

Congrats to Luke, Mary Ann and Robert!

Way to go you guys!  These three students managed to recycle 940 items in total!  Anyone else with recyclables for the contest needs to have them at school by 6 pm today.

Easter Cards

For the past several days the students have been working on creating Easter cards for a variety of audiences.  I brought in 5 Easter cards and we discussed how messages change for various people.  We looked at Easter messages for a baby, religious Easter greeting cards, cards for neighbours, etc.  Maybe you will be lucky enough to receive one of the beautiful cards created. Here are some photos of a couple of cards that have been completed to date. Beautiful Creations By:  Laura

World Oceans Day 2012

By:  Grace By:  Dafydd By:  Luke The students spent part of today working on a poster for World Oceans Day 2012.  Take some time to look at some of the posters that have been completed so far.  By:  Madolyn By:  Elly By:  Jakob By;  Laura By:  Nick By:  Katie By:  Michael By:  Kobe By:  Sam By:  Sarah-Kate By:  Emily 

French Cafe

You may have heard your child talk about the French Cafe.  We are currently designing menus for the cafe.  Our cafe will be held in early May (at least that is my plan).  I will be sending home details after Easter regarding the items that I am asking each child to bring.  It promises to be a fun learning opportunity as the students are going to learn how to order and take orders in French. Have a look at some of the menus below. Dafydd's Creation

Respiratory System

Grace's mom came in last week to deliver an excellent presentation on the Respiratory System which helped us to meet several curriculum outcomes.  The students enjoyed her presentation and she did a great job navigating the Smartboard. Any other parents with talents that I don't know about?

A little update

Well, it's been about 10 days since I have posted any updates and since Mr. Walter has just fixed my class computer it is high time for a new post. Yesterday we went to MQP Church to hear a presentation about Christian beliefs.  The students had a listening quiz based on the presentations today.  Expect to see the quiz come home before Easter.