
Showing posts from April, 2013

Technology with Mr. Walter

Today my students learned how to create Kodu games.  Mr. Walter had them do a number of tutorials and they will continue with their game creation next technology day.  Ben told me that he made a World War 2 blimp game.  I'll have to try playing it next class.  Some students may wish to set up a Kodu account at home to keep working on their game.

Science mini-test coming up

Ms. Sheppard wanted me to let everyone know that you have a Science test on the Digestive System coming soon.  She will get you a test outline next week.

Upcoming field trip

Please see the NOTES section on this blog for information on an upcoming field trip to Rotary Sunshine Park.  The students are really looking forward to the outdoor events.

Math test coming up

Math Test Outline Patterns Your test will be on Friday, April 26, 2013 Outline given to students on Friday, April 19, 2013 ·         You will need to know how to solve algebraic equations.   Look at your True/False quiz as well as the basic algebra sheets in your duo-tang for practice. ·         You will be asked to draw pan balances to demonstrate algebraic equations.   ·         You could be expected to continue a pattern or state the pattern rule.   You completed several sheets on patterns and pattern rules so check your duo-tang to review. ·         You may have to complete a pattern by drawing a picture.   Page 5 in your textbook gives a good example of a pattern that you would need to extend. ·         Don't forget to check out my blog.   Click LINKS and then Math Patterns (Chapter 1). Remember to study a little each night so that you are ready for test day.    

A little algebra

Well, my little students are algebra stars!  We have been working on solving some basic equations and I am pleasantly surprised with the results.  We will be having a little quiz on Patterns next Friday.  A test outline will be provided tomorrow.

Language Arts Easter Choice Board

Today Ms. Pyke introduced an Easter Choice Board.  The students got to choose which type of activity they would like to do.  Some students are writing plays, others are designing posters and more are creating comics. We will continue to work on the Choice Board activities tomorrow.

Tournaments, trips and total fun!

We started off our day with a little discussion about the Easter holidays.  Apparently there were quite a few sports tournaments over the past week.  We had a look at the map of Newfoundland and Labrador to locate St. Barbe, Little Harbour and a few other places. In other news, we began our Math chapter on Patterns today.  We spent about 40 minutes building structures to figure out a growing pattern.  Tomorrow we're going to work on a pattern using toothpicks.