Your homework and reminders for tonight

Sorry about the late posting of this homework.  I meant to post the homework right after school and then I forgot.  When I got home I just about to post and realized that my fridge was on the fritz.  Always something!

Here are the reminders for tonight
1) Fun Day forms*
2) Ferryland permission slips*
3) Poem presentation later this week
4) Band tomorrow - the new schedule that Ms. Sullivan e-mailed me is as follows:

Tuesday June 4 you have band at 10:05 which means you won't miss technology, but you will miss gym!  I'll have to see if I can see Ms. Sullivan in the morning to see if there is any way that we can change the time, but I doubt there is considering she is only at our school for a limited time and your concert is Monday.  Come prepared for gym class just in case.

Friday June 7 at 9:10

Monday June 10 at 10:45


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