
Showing posts from September, 2014


Good Evening, Just wanted to share some reminders with you all as majority of the class did not get to take their agenda's home with them this afternoon.  1) tomorrow is Ice Cream Day. Students can bring $1 and receive a Fudgesicle during recess. This will be an ongoing event the last Friday of every month. 2) Cross Country on Saturday. Register online. 3) Gym tomorrow 4) Presentations will continue tomorrow Our first field trip of the year was a huge success. Many thanks to those parents who volunteered to accompany us. A great time was had by all!

Field Trip

Reminder:  Tomorrow we will be going on our field trip. Please remember to pack a healthy recess and lunch. No cafeteria orders tomorrow.

Gym and Music Reminder

Reminder:  Gym and Music tomorrow (Tuesday, September 23). My apologies, I forgot to have students write gym and music in their agendas.

Thank you

I just wanted to say thank you to those who attended last night's curriculum night. For those who were unable to attend or I didn't get a chance to speak with, I would welcome the opportunity in the future. You should all be so proud of your children. They are a wonderful group of individuals; they are so kind to one another, respectful, and creative. Each and every one of them are a delight to work with. I was asked last night about our gym and music schedule. Here are the days that we have those classes as well as library and buddy reading. Day 1: Music and Gym Day 2: Buddy Reading Day 4: Gym Day 5: Music, Gym and Choir Day 6: Library (this will be starting next week) Day 7: Music If you have any other questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me. For those who were unable to make it last night, I gave out my personal email for you to use while waiting for my professional one to be set up. or call the school. If your email requ

Good Afternoon!

Good Afternoon Parents/Guardians: Thank you for being so patient as I settle into Mme Burton-Snow's routines. I am new to blogging so your continued patience is greatly appreciated. I received a "crash course" from our Technology Specialist today so from this point on I will continue updating homework daily, as well as posting any important information/reminders you may need to know. As you probably already know, my name is Mrs Sara Ropson. I received my Bachelor of Education degree in 2005 from the University of Alberta. I am currently completing my Bachelor of Special Education degree through Memorial University of Newfoundland. I have experience in both the regular classroom setting as well as special education settings, some of that experience has been gained here at MQP. So far my time here in your child's class has been great! Your children are such a fabulous group of individuals; so kind to one another and very respectful. They are truly a pleasure to work

Ms. Ropson

Dear Parents and Guardians,  Ms. Sara Ropson will continue to post homework and other information on my blog.  Thank you for your well wishes.  Deanne Burton Snow

An update

Dear Parents, I am writing today to let you know that I have been diagnosed with a pregnancy related condition that prevents me from working at this time. Ms. Sara Ropson will be substituting for me this week. Deanne Burton Snow

Art lesson today


Art today


The view of the harbour today


Band Talk with Ms. Sullivan

Your band form is due in Wednesday if you are interested in joining the band.

Weekend reminders

1) Gym class Mon. 2) please bring back your student form and small data sheet 3) cafeteria menu was sent home Fri.

Day 2

Homework 1) Double sided student data form 2) small data form 3) Health- count the number of smoke alarms in your house

First day of Grade 5

Your agendas will not be ready for a couple of weeks. Here are your homework reminders for tonight: 1) Student Data form double sided sheet 2) small student form 3) no cafeteria service until Monday