
Showing posts from 2015

A Shanneyganock Christmas (Video)

Many thanks to my mom's godson, Chris Andrews, from Shanneyganock for coming to sing to our class last week.

Card day


Caighlin Smith Author Visit


A kilometre walk

We walked around Kenny's Pond today. We just began our Measurement unit and we are learning about kilometres, metres, centimetres and millimetres.

Let there be light!

Let the twelve days of MQP Christmas begin!

Can you curl?


It's Monday Ava!


Conservation Corps presentation


Using a calculator

Adding six five digit numbers is harder than it looks.

A funny conversation

Me:  "Ok everyone.  We're going to be learning about a biography today in Language Arts." Male Student #1:  "What, is that a country or something?" Male Student #2:  "No, that's geography, not biography." In short, I'm trying to teach them about a piece of work that someone writes about someone else.  Our class is going to be writing biographies about their buddy readers.

Compensation not constipation

Well, yesterday I was talking about one of our new estimation strategies.  The new strategy is called compensation.  You can imagine the discussion we had!  A lovely topic to bring up at the supper table tonight!

They have rhythm

This is what went on during Music class.

A Mental Health presentation

Today we had a mental health presentation and we learned that you don't always have to be number one at everything . Thanks Mr. Fitzpatrick By: Sarah

Look at this group


Assembly colours

I'm just picking out Grace's outfit for tomorrow. Remember to try to wear any combination of red, black and white.

Ryan's here!


A busy day

Well, while you were off I was busy learning First Aid. I hope I can get someone to come to our class to demonstrate some basic first aid skills later this year.

Halloween Wishes!

I hope you all had a fun night!

Teacher madness


A little Halloween surprise from Miss


A movie



Zumba was exciting! We got to dance with our friends. My favorite part was when the dinosaur came to the stage and danced, it was hilarious. It was crazy.  My favorite song was Watch me whip!   by: Josh

Quite an entrance

This is how our Zumba session began today.

Vote, vote, vote

I heard some of you talking about the election this morning. I've done my part!

A big congrats!

Big congrats to a little lady in our class.  Sarah won a gold medal in her Royal Conservatory Piano exam. She was the big Atlantic Canadian winner!  What an accomplishment!  We are all super proud of you Sarah!


I have added Instagram to my website. A technology conference that I attended over the summer suggested that this is a forum that most kids like and understand. So if you can't beat them, I guess you should join them. In the days to come you should begin seeing posts, tweets and Instagram photos from our daily blogger. Blogging, tweeting and all that good stuff is part of our Language Arts curriculum. Just don't expect to see any LOL's. You had to be at Curriculum Night to get that joke.

Rachel's dad makes a visit


Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you had a great long weekend everyone. We spent some time in the pumpkin patch.

The goal

Well, we've started a fall Art project.  Here is the goal: This space is crying out for 24 of these.

Thanksgiving Assembly


Playground update

You can see that the construction has started in earnest. The equipment is being relocated to the big field.


We are all participating in the St. John's library storywriting contest. We began a class story today. Evan had a great shirt on to get us in a ghostly mood.

Electronics on Monday

Every second Friday is our class electronics day.  I forgot to tell the students that they could bring their electronics last Thursday so we have settled on Monday.  So bring your electronics tomorrow if you wish. I hope you are all having a fun weekend!  Tomorrow morning we are going to begin a process writing piece.

So I told them...

Not to put hashtags in their writing! This is what Luke gave me at the end of the day.  I guess I should say LOL.

Working outside

Our classroom was so hot that we came out to get a breeze. We worked on our French Newfoundland place names word search and our Math expanded and standard form.

Art in 22 continued

Creations by Claire and Allie. See Claire, I told you I would post it.

Art 22

Yes, it was 22 degrees today and we were out to sketch the beautiful view behind our school. Our Art curriculum asks us to look for inspiration in our school landscape. We will come back to add more details when the fall colours arrive.

Terry Fox Walk

We will need to get out and walk around the pond this week to remember a Canadian hero. If you have the time try to see his statue downtown.

This hat is the best!

Good job on your presentations today everyone! Have a look at Erin's hat.

Ms. Sullivan appears

Everyone was pretty happy to see this tall lady today. Band interviews were completed today. Ms. Sullivan says you should find out your instrument by Friday.

Way to go Mason!

Good job in the track meet over the weekend. Second place!!! These must be awesome sneakers!  Shout out to Sarah, Jenna and Aiden for participating in the meet too!

Math place value

Here is how we represented the number 145 040. Good Work Evan!

Breakfast program begins!


Someone helping someone else

Here is my picture for our Religion collage. This is a photo of Grace feeding Paige. 

Because all the homework would not post... Grrr!

I think I've figured out my problem.  I need to use Google Chrome. LA Presentation Scholastic due tomorrow Spelling do A1, B1 and 4-6 page 17 Music tomorrow Music note Religion- find a picture of someone helping someone else Friday

Hearing Presentation

Thank you Ms. Cahill for talking to us about sound and hearing.


On Fridays the Grade 5 English students may bring their electronics to play at recess and lunch, however, I have cautioned my students that they do this at their own risk.  I would appreciate if parents could have a good discussion with their child regarding the risks associated with bringing expensive items to school.

Standard Form

This is one of the Math sheets that we were working on today.

Quiet Critters

These guys come out when it is quiet, but they go into hiding if we are too loud. Many thanks to Ms. Sheppard for letting me use her critters.

Art today

This is what you get when your partner describes an object to you and you have to draw it without seeing it. Drawing by: Amy (our chef for today)

Winn Dixie

We started reading the book Winn Dixie .  The dog is named after the Winn Dixie supermarket and is set in Florida.

Band Talk

Today Ms. Sullivan had a chat with the Grade 5 students about joining the school band.  Forms are due back on Wednesday.

Doors Open

Check out where you can go this weekend!

Gym and Music classes

The schedules for Physical Education and Music are still evolving, however, this is how it looks for our class for now... Physical Education Day 2 at 10:35 Day 4 at 11:05 Day 5 at 1:25 Day 6 at 9:20 Music/Choir Day 2 at 10:05 Day 3 at 12:55 Day 4 at 1:25 Day 7 at 9:20

Our class rules


Game on!

I'm ready for you!  Looking forward to meeting all my little minions!

Thank you for a great year and have a wonderful summer!

I'd like to take an opportunity to thank you all, parents and students, for such a wonderful year. You've all been very accepting and supportive throughout the year and it's been a pleasure getting to know you all. Each and every one of your children have touched a special place in my heart and they will never be forgotten. I wish them the best of luck in Grade 6 and beyond.  Thank you for all your generous gifts and kind words. Have an enjoyable and safe summer with your friends and family! Ms. Sara Ropson

Thank you

Thank you to you all for sending in the various items we needed for the French cafe. The students had a wonderful time sharing the French experience and culture with the Grade 4's. Special events like this are made possible because of your generosity and support. Have a wonderful weekend! Ms. Ropson

French Cafe

Don't forget tomorrow we are hosting our French Cafe! Please remember to bring in your food item as indicated on the memo sent home earlier this week. We will be starting first thing in the morning. I have heard that the Grade 4's are very excited about attending!

Supply List

For your information: Supply lists went home yesterday with students. IF you choose to order your child's school supplies from Staples using this reference code supplied on the memo you will notice that the list is titled "Grade 6 English Supply List." This is the list for both English and ICF classes; the supply list is the same for all classes. Thank you, Ms. Ropson

Fun Day!

What a wonderful day had by all! I was so proud of you all today as you played hard while showing great respect for others and good sportsmanship. Extra special thank you to those few students who cleaned up all the litter that was left behind by others on the ball field. We should all sleep well tonight, what a workout we had! Ms. Ropson

Electronics in the Classroom

Due to inappropriate use of electronics (cell phones, ipads, ipods, etc) within the classroom, I have implemented a "no electronics" rule. Prior to now students were allowed to use these devices in the classroom during unstructured times and for e-reading. Unfortunately, this privilege has been abused. For the safety and well being of all students, electronics are no longer allowed in our class. Ms. Ropson

Back to school tomorrow!

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow! Hope you all had a wonderful break and enjoyed some family time. I sure did!  Just a reminder tomorrow we have gym and music so come prepared.  Ms. Ropson

Enjoy your break!

I would like to wish all my students and their families a safe and enjoyable break. See you all in a week! 

School Climate Survey

Good Afternoon Parents/Guardians: Your child has completed a school climate survey in class and it is asked that parents also complete it. If you could please take a moment and complete the survey that would be very much appreciated. Please click the link below to access the survey. Thank you. Ms. Sara Ropson

Report Cards

Report cards went home today! I look forward to meeting with you all again this term to discuss your child's progress. Ms. Ropson

PJ Day tomorrow!

Remember tomorrow is PJ day at MQP!

Class list


Congratulations James!

Congratulations James on your fantastic performance at our school Spelling Bee! James will be one of two students representing Mary Queen of Peace Elementary at the Regional Spelling Bee. Way to go James!

Thank You!!

Sending out a HUGE "Thank You" to Claire and Brianna for tidying up our classroom library today.

Harry Potter Book Night

I was at the Marjorie Mews Library with Grace and saw this sign. It sounds like it could be fun! Ms. Burton Snow


Forgot to write in your agenda's GYM TOMORROW!!

Spelling words

Here are the spelling words for tomorrow's quiz. These were passed out Monday.