
Showing posts from January, 2011

Props for Play

You may be asked to send in some strange items over the course of the next several weeks.  We are currently working on two plays.  The students should memorize their lines at home.  We plan to present our play to Ms. White's class in two weeks.

Logo Contest

Today the students enjoyed a presentation about how to create a logo.  The contest is sponsored by the YMCA.

Math work

As promised on the Math test outline, today I sent home some Math work that your child completed during our current unit.  There is no need to sign and return this work right away as I know your child can make use of it for review purposes.  You can have your child return the signed work to me on Friday of this week or next week.

Amazing Spellers!

Today we had our pre-test for Spelling.  The pre-test lets the students know which words they already know and which ones they will need to work on during the week.  I had six students get all twenty words correct today so they will not write the test on Friday.  The six serious spellers are:  Jakob, Carter, Muneeb, Tristan, Grace and Grant.  The students figured that their parents would not believe them when they delivered this news so this is the reason for this message.  The pre-test is in their Spelling dua-tang if you would like to take a look for yourself.  Congratulations again to these students.  Congratulations are also in order to Destiny and Cam who recently competed in the elimination rounds for our school spelling bee. Also, your child only has to learn the words that they got incorrect.  For example, if your child scored 10/20 on the test today then that means they will only write ten words on Friday.  Some students only have one word to study.  I wonder how many will s

The Challenges that Explorers Face!

Today the students watched another video about Space Exploration.  We are completing a graphic organizer for this chapter in Social Studies which lets us see the challenges that explorers face as well as the ways they overcome the challenges.

Challenges in Space

We are studying explorers in space.  Today I showed the students a video about Living and Working in Space.  We even learned how to use the toilet in space!!

Dan's the Man

Today we were extremely lucky to have former Premier Danny Williams visit our school.  Carter did a great job asking him if he thought that he made any mistakes as Premier. Allison was also terrific when she told Mr. Williams that our class thought he was a wealthy man because he sold Cable Atlantic to Rogers for a healthy profit.  I'm sure all parents wish they could have been there.

And the winner is Grace

So late last night I remembered to post a link to a question that we had pondered earlier in the day.  We were doing a Math lesson yesterday and we wondered about the symbol on one of the flags.  It turns out the flag with the horizontal figure 8 represents the Métis.  Grace was the first person to tell me the answer this morning so she got the prize.  No one else mentioned it all day.  Let's see how many students can answer this one for me tomorrow... Tell me which province is officially bilingual.  Check out the link to help you. Prize for the first person who tells me the answer tomorrow morning.

Responding to Music through Art

Today the students listened to three songs during Art class.  They had to draw whatever came into their mind while they listened to the song.  I gave each child 6 oil pastels to use so that proved quite exciting! I will post some photos of the masterpieces tomorrow.  The work is currently on display in the Music Room so that everyone at MQP will be able to enjoy them. Get your child to talk to you about the experience.  Ask them which song they liked the best.

I told you I'd find out!

Remember the flag with the horizontal figure 8 on it?  Check out the link below to see what it represents. Prize for the first person who tells me the answer tomorrow.

Signs of Symmetry

We began our unit on 2D Geometry today.  We began this unit by cutting out shapes and folding them to see if they had any lines of symmetry.  The students have an activity to do at home tonight focusing on lines of symmetry.  Please make sure that they bring both the completed worksheet and shapes to school tomorrow. In the meantime a good activity to do at home would be to look at things in their environment that have symmetry.  A good place to begin is by looking at the front of your house.

Newspaper Explorers

Today I gave each student a copy of The Telegram.  Each child had to explore the newspaper to find examples of classifieds, advertisments, horoscopes, movies, etc.  We also looked for captions under colored pictures.  If you ever get the chance you should try to have your child find some of these things in a newspaper at home. 

Postcards for a Pal

Today the students wrote postcards to Jonathan, a student in our class who recently moved away.  Each student had to tell Jonathan about their Christmas holiday.  I encouraged the students to write by thinking about their five senses.  I will copy each postcard and forward the results home in the coming weeks.

Story Jumper

Today the students went to the computer lab and began writing stories for their buddy readers.  You may see them working on the stories at home next week.  The students are learning how to write for a variety of audiences which is part of our Language Arts program.

La Fete des Rois

Today is the Feast of the Kings... ask your child about it. Words for Bonne Année Rock (I promised these to Mr. Yetman's class)  I don't have all the accents here yet. Bonne Année,  Bonne Année, Bonne Année Rock Chantons Noel et Bonne Année Rock Voici des cadeaux sous l'arbre de Noel et le Pere Noel

The Importance of a Job Well Done!

Today I gave the students a second opportunity to complete a Christmas Religion booklet.  The booklets were started in December, when excitment levels were quite high so the work quality was not what I would call the best product you can produce.  I gave the students time to fix their work or in some cases to begin again.  Some students are bringing the work home to add the final touches.  We will self and peer evaluate the work tomorrow.


A number of students were quite tired today, bound to happen after an exciting Christmas holiday.