Amazing Spellers!

Today we had our pre-test for Spelling.  The pre-test lets the students know which words they already know and which ones they will need to work on during the week.  I had six students get all twenty words correct today so they will not write the test on Friday.  The six serious spellers are:  Jakob, Carter, Muneeb, Tristan, Grace and Grant.  The students figured that their parents would not believe them when they delivered this news so this is the reason for this message.  The pre-test is in their Spelling dua-tang if you would like to take a look for yourself.  Congratulations again to these students.  Congratulations are also in order to Destiny and Cam who recently competed in the elimination rounds for our school spelling bee.

Also, your child only has to learn the words that they got incorrect.  For example, if your child scored 10/20 on the test today then that means they will only write ten words on Friday.  Some students only have one word to study.  I wonder how many will score 20/20 next week??


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