
Showing posts from May, 2011

Keep at those Math facts!

Make sure you keep reviewing those Math facts every night!

Math makes sense

Show mom or dad how you can figure out 17x3 using an array.  Think about what we learned today.

Do you want a Canadian Flag?

How long are you prepared to wait? Remember when I told you that you could request a flag that has flown on the top of the Parliament Buildings... here is the link you need. I think I am going to request one for Grace, by time she's 21 years old she should have it!!!!

Do you want a Canadian Flag?

How long are you prepared to wait? Remember when I told you that you could request a flag that has flown on the top of the Parliament Buildings... here is the link you need. I think I am going to request one for Grace, by time she's 21 years old she should have it!!!!

French Questions

Be sure to check out the French video for Term 3 under the FRENCH QUESTIONS heading. Look under LINKS to find the 4 websites that I think will help you review your numbers from 1-31.

The photos I promised

So last night I was all ready to photograph the 3D shapes that were created yesterday.  I was nearly there when I dropped the camera onto my desk.  Of course my camera broke!  Stay tuned for the photos... I'm going to the Camera Repair Shop this weekend.  Always something!

Making Nets

We are finishing up our short chapter on 3D Geometry.  Today we spent some time making 3-D prisms from 2-D nets.  Tomorrow we will use clay and toothpicks to construct 3-D models.  I will post some of the creations.

Results of Public Speaking

We had some great poem presentations today.  Many thanks to the parents and guardians at home who undoubtably spent a great deal of time helping with the preparation. Here are the top three speakers from our class: First Place Muneeb and Cam (it was a tie)... too close for Ms. Cowley to call Second Place Riley Third Place Gavin I will have a special certificate for you gentlemen on Tuesday! Have a great long weekend everyone!

Symbols and the Block Parent

Today we did an activity focusing on symbols.  I gave each group a copy of seven symbols. Each student had to fill out a graphic organizer (chart) about what the symbol meant, where we would see it and why it was important. The Block Parent sign proved the most challenging.  I guess there are not many of these anymore.

"Charlotte's Web" Movie

The students were super excited to watch the Charlotte's Web movie today.  After the movie was over they illustrated a picture and wrote a response about their favorite part.  Quite interesting responses... here are a couple.  I will photograph the drawings for the explanations below and post them tonight. My favorite part of "Charlotte's Web" was when the spiders were born because Wilbur gets new friends. By:  Tristan My fave part is when the horse is scared of Charlotte because it's funny the way the horse reacts. By:  Gavin My favorite part was when you saw Charlotte spin the web "Some Pig."  You could see the web being spun because I liked to see the web in the stage of being spun. By:  Allison The fireworks because they are colorful and Wilbur, Fern, Avery had fun. By:  Rachel

Bill Nye Nutrition

Today we talked about the role of Senators and Members of Parliament.  Tomorrow the students are going to design a "Wanted" poster for a Prime Minister. If anyone has any old magazines or catalogues at home that could be cut up for pictures it would be a good idea to bring them along tomorrow.  I didn't think about mentioning this today.

3-D Objects

We began a new unit on 3-D Objects today.  Take some time to look at shapes in your child's environment.  Ask your child the shape of the stopsign. Find a hexagon in your environment. Look for a pentagon. Find examples of rectangles, squares and circles. Have your child describe a cereal box to you using geometry vocabulary like faces edges and verticies.

Here is the weekly Health assignment

Unfortunately I cannot get the lines to appear properly, but at least you will get to see a version of the assignment before I hand it out tomorrow.  It might also help those students who forget to bring their handout home on a given night. Health Weekly Assignment May 16-20, 2011 There will be no Spelling this week.   Instead of Spelling you will do one Health activity each night. Monday May 16 Environmental Health Recognize the importance of clean air and water for everyday life. You are going to participate in a poster contest for Arbor Day .   Your poster should be completed on the blank piece of paper attached to this sheet.   Make sure your poster is colorful. Think about the benefits of trees that we discussed today.   Mom or Dad can also help you look on the special website for more information.   Please find the poster contest details and website information attached.   It took me a while to find the benefits of trees using the homepage address so this link will take you

Health Assignment this week

This week I won't be giving you any Spelling.  Instead of spending time on Spelling activities I would like you to complete one Health question each night.  On Monday night you will find this website helpful as you are going to design a poster to help celebrate Arbor Day.   The benefits of trees


Hi everyone, Ms. Cleary made an announcement at the end of the day (when you were in Music) to say that you should bring your lunch from home tomorrow.  The cafeteria will be closed when we get back around 1:00.  All students should stay in school for lunch and bring a bagged lunch from home. If you are reading this make sure you call your close friends in the class to remind them too.  Hopefully this memo will prevent some lunch problems tomorrow. Thank you


The PIRLS test is now done and everyone is happy.  Ms. Harris took everyone to the gym for a rousing game of "Mother May I" as a reward.  She also promised them a special treat next week for all their hard work.

A square unit

Today the students used pattern blocks and pennies to find out the most efficient unit for measuring area.  It was easy to see that the square unit wins hands down!

Finishing up Charlotte's Web

I am hoping to finish Charlotte's Web next Friday.  We listened to chapters 13-15 today and as usual everyone enjoyed hearing the author read.  We will end our Charlotte's Web study by watching the movie, a real treat!

Individual Whiteboards

We used the individual whiteboards that were purchased from the proceeds of the Lapathon fundraiser to complete a Math activity on time today. The students really enjoyed the whiteboards and are really coming along with their understanding of time.  Thank you for spending time on time at home.

Voting frenzy!

Thank you to the parents who brought their children to the polling stations yesterday.  The students had lots of interesting details to share about the experience.  Good idea on your part!!!

The final push!

Well, it is certainly hard to believe that it is now May!  We only have seven weeks of school left so the final push is on.  Please continue to work on telling time at home.  We are now studying quarter to, quarter after and half past. Some students had a hard time understanding why there was no such thing as 40 after or 50 after.