Here is the weekly Health assignment

Unfortunately I cannot get the lines to appear properly, but at least you will get to see a version of the assignment before I hand it out tomorrow.  It might also help those students who forget to bring their handout home on a given night.

Weekly Assignment
May 16-20, 2011

There will be no Spelling this week.  Instead of Spelling you will do one Health activity each night.

Monday May 16
Environmental Health
Recognize the importance of clean air and water for everyday life.

You are going to participate in a poster contest for Arbor Day.  Your poster should be completed on the blank piece of paper attached to this sheet.  Make sure your poster is colorful.

Think about the benefits of trees that we discussed today.  Mom or Dad can also help you look on the special website for more information.  Please find the poster contest details and website information attached.  It took me a while to find the benefits of trees using the homepage address so this link will take you right where you need to go:
Bring your poster to class tomorrow.

Tuesday May 17
Describe a nutritious lunch or snack. 

Write your answer on the lines below.


Bring a healthy snack to school for tomorrow afternoon.  Your healthy snack should include a drink and something to eat.

Here are some sample Snacks suggested by the Kids Eat Smart Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador, but you can choose any healthy snack.

  • Fruit and Cheese kebabs with Milk
  • Light Popcorn with a cheese string and 100% fruit juice
  • Fruit Smoothie with Dry Cereal Mix (corn bran, Shreddies, Cheerios)
  • Veggies (broccoli and carrots) with hummus dip and milk
  • Bagel with light cream cheese or non-hydrogenated margarine and 100% fruit juice
  • Whole wheat English muffin with cheddar cheese and a fruit cup in juice

Wednesday May 18
Environmental Health
Recognize the important contribution of sanitation workers.

How do sanitation workers help us?  Write a brief answer on the lines below.


Thursday May 19
Environmental Health
Create a plan to address an environmental (air or water) issue in the home, school or community.

Think about your community, school or home.  What is one environmental issue that you could help fix?  How will you make the situation better?


I will check your work each day so make sure you have your homework ready.  Remember, it is your responsibility to put your homework in your schoolbag.


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