
Showing posts from January, 2012

Spelling note from today

January 30, 2012 Dear Parents and Guardians, This is a quick note regarding the weekly Spelling homework and a plea for your help.   Over the course of the past month I have been giving the students the opportunity to work on the weekly Spelling work in class and then finish any incomplete work at home between Monday-Thursday nights.   While some students are quite diligent at finishing their work at home, others seem to be forgetting to complete their Spelling activities.   Beginning this week I am asking that the Spelling work be done at home so that an adult can supervise and assist when needed.   I am sure the work will be neater and fully complete with this extra bit of help. Thank you for your continued support.   The weekly Spelling work is not designed to take a long period of time and is something that the students can work on during the course of the week, it also helps target some of our Grade 5 Language Arts outcomes. Regards, Deanne Burton Snow

Playing with our buddies

Today the students had 20 minutes to play some games like Connect 4, Battleship and Taboo with their buddies.  A good time was had by all!

Math Reflections

Today we finished up our work on Reflections.  We will begin our work on Rotations tomorrow.  Expect to see some work come home on Rotations next week.

French puppet play video

January 18, 2012 Dear Students, This is a note to let you know that you can now review your French puppet play lines at home with the help of a video.   I have placed a video of myself reading the play on my blog.   To access the blog, you should visit and click on Teacher’s Sites.   Scroll down to the Grade 5 section and click on Deanne Burton Snow.   Now you should click on French Questions.   The first video is the French puppet play.   I will be grading you based on your pronunciation so review your lines each night.   With any luck we will be ready to present to other classes during the last week of January.   Mr. Walter tells me that I should be able to use the school IPADs to capture the puppet plays and post them on my blog.   Let’s keep our fingers crossed that we can post our shows for everyone to see. Regards, Deanne Burton Snow

A few new items

We are now about halfway through the school year so it is time to check supplies.  Some students went home today with a list of required materials.  Pencils, erasers, and crayons seem to disappear around here. Reminder:  Your puppet is due on Thursday. Dafydd, if you are reading this... remind me to post your blog post on the Smartboard tomorrow so that we can edit your work. Mme Burton Snow

Letters sent home lately

Here are some notes that I sent home over the course of the last school week.  They are also posted under the heading NOTES. January 4, 2012 Dear Students, Parents and Guardians, Some students have been asking me if we are going to have a Christmas Show and Tell.   Since many students are anxious to show some of their new treasures it seems like a great opportunity to practice our public speaking skills. Each student can speak for up to one minute, but no less than 45 seconds.   During their allotted time they should: -        Show the audience their object and tell what it is -        Tell the audience who gave them the present -        Explain what the present does -        Tell why they chose that particular present to show to the class -        Do you think you will still like the present this time next year?   Why or why not? -        Was the gift a surprise or something that Santa knew that you wanted? -        Do the other members of your family like the gift? -        Do you


Today when we had French we talked a lot about Intesive Core French (I.C.F.). We learned that I.C.F. only lasts for half a year. For that half a year we only have English, Science and Math, but there is a lot more French. Then after Feb. 1st we have all the other subjects in English and regular Core French. The name of the person who wrote this is secret. Well, I guess it's not that much of a secret if I say that you have done a good job, Dafydd!  Let's look at this post tomorrow and see if we can fix a few capital letters. Mme Burton Snow

Land and Sea... we'll learn about a Newfoundland Christmas tradition

Another slideshow... 3 line poems