Spelling note from today
January 30, 2012 Dear Parents and Guardians, This is a quick note regarding the weekly Spelling homework and a plea for your help. Over the course of the past month I have been giving the students the opportunity to work on the weekly Spelling work in class and then finish any incomplete work at home between Monday-Thursday nights. While some students are quite diligent at finishing their work at home, others seem to be forgetting to complete their Spelling activities. Beginning this week I am asking that the Spelling work be done at home so that an adult can supervise and assist when needed. I am sure the work will be neater and fully complete with this extra bit of help. Thank you for your continued support. The weekly Spelling work is not designed to take a long period of time and is something that the students can work on during the course of the week, it also helps target some of our Grade 5 Language Arts outcomes. Regards, Deanne Burton Snow