Note sent home today

February 13, 2012
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We have now switched our focus in Math from Motion Geometry to Multiplication Strategies.  Last week I gave your child a multiplication grid to complete, which is a suggested assessment strategy from our Math Curriculum Guide.  I filled in how long each child took to complete the grid and I have highlighted in blue any facts that your child got incorrect.  The time is there only because I thought it would be interesting to see the average length of time it would take for the task to be accomplished. 
In Grade 4 the facts were studied as well as the various strategies, so we are reviewing and building on that knowledge in Grade 5.  I am asking you to take some time to review the tricky facts that some students got incorrect on the grid.  In addition, asking your child some Math facts each day can also help some children.
We will continue with our work on multiplication strategies for the next two weeks.  In the meantime, have your child show you the two strategies we learned to help us find out the answers to our 9 times tables.  Please sign the note below to let me know that your child has explained the two strategies to you.  We have reviewed both strategies in class frequently so all students should be able to teach you.  If you haven’t seen them before, you’ll probably find them quite interesting and wish that someone had taught you  years ago.
Parent/Guardian Homework Assignment
I ________________ (parent name on blank) now know the two tricks for the nine times tables.  My son/ daughter __________ (name of child) did a great job teaching me the two tricks.  If Ms. Burton Snow asked me to demonstrate the two methods, I feel confident I could do it.
Parent Signature: ________________________
Parent Feedback:  (only if you wish)

P.S.  I hope parents/guardians enjoy this assignment.


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