
Showing posts from 2013

Carol has left the building


Band the first day back

Ms. Sullivan has asked me to let you know that everyone has band the first day back to school in January, except percussion.

Good job on your homework!

Erin's mom took this assignment very seriously.

A friend of mine visited The Rooms

and saw this beautiful tree!

Homework reminders for tomorrow, December 9

1) Library tomorrow, remember to bring your books back so you can renew or return them. 2) Dress in red and green tomorrow 3) Remember to bring in lapathon money

Good news Maddie!

I found your Music bag.  It was at the office.  Someone found your bag outside and turned it in.

Our door


A little sparkle




More Math


Recycling bar graph


Another bar graph


Bar Graph questions


Volunteer needed for The Rooms field trip on the 28th

Could you please e-mail me if you are able to go with our class to The Rooms on Thursday, November 28th.  We will be there from approximately 9:00-12:00. Thanks

Girls, you can be doctors!

You know what I mean!

Guys, men can be nurses!

You know what I mean!

This is for you, Tyra!


a forgotten phone

Someone left their phone today.  It is a Samsung with a purple flower on the case.

A little lady makes a big connection!

Look at the medals that this sweetie shared with us today.

Gym change

As I told you earlier today, Gym class will no longer be held on Day 4.  Your new Gym day will be on Day 5 after Choir.  This will help us avoid the end of the day rush to the bus while carrying band instruments.

Thanks a bunch, Mr. Walter!

Ok, so with Mr. Walter's careful guidance I have both French videos now available on my blog.


Two notes have been posted in the NOTES section of this blog.  The two newest notes went home yesterday.

Interview Questions

Hi Guys, I am losing my mind trying to post the videos that I created for you today.  I will need to get Mr. Walter to try and help me tomorrow.

Winn Dixie and a great potluck

Thanks to all the parents who sent in tasty treats today.  It was wonderful to see so many tasty and nutritious foods!


It was great!

Link for Trumpets to watch video Here is the video you missed while at band. Eric, the video on Peer Pressure is under LINKS then scroll down to Health.  You will see the video on peer pressure there.

In case any parent didn't see

the note regarding my request for photos, it is now located under the NOTES link of this blog.

Math test going home tomorrow

The note that will be attached to the test can be viewed under the NOTES section of this blog.

Your Music classes this year

You have Music on Day 1 9:20-9:50 Day 5 10:35-11:05 Day 5 12:55-1:25 (Choir)

Gym tomorrow

Guys, hopefully some of you will see this message and pass along the details.  I forgot to list on the homework that you have Gym tomorrow. Here are your Gym times for this year: Day 2 9:20-9:50 Day 4 1:55-2:25 Day 7 10:35-11:05

Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy the long weekend!


Donna and Andy stars


Link for Turkey Craft for substitute

Scallop shell pumpkins


Math test outline going home tomorrow

Math Test Outline Outline Distributed to students:   Wednesday, October 2, 2013 Chapter 2 Numeration Test:   Thursday, October 10, 2013 ·          You will need to know how to write numbers in standard form.   I will give you some numbers in expanded form and you will be expected to change them to standard form. ·          You will need to arrange numbers from least to greatest or greatest to least.   Be prepared to work with numbers up to and including millions. ·          Rounding – you will need to know how to round decimals and whole numbers.   Be prepared to be able to round whole numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, hundred thousand or million.   Be prepared to round decimals to the nearest tenth or hundredth. ·          You need to know how to write whole numbers and decimals in words.   ·          You will be given a base 10 picture of a decimal number and you will be expected to write the number in standard form. ·         

Flutes and Clarinets have band tomorrow!

Hi everyone, I was just reading my e-mail messages and I saw that Ms. Sullivan asked me to let you know that the flutes and clarinets have band tomorrow, October 1st. She will give you a band schedule tomorrow.

26 degrees, we couldn't pass it up


Mondays can be rough


Kinds of lines

Today Eric said something really funny.  We have begun our Art study by looking at lines.  We talked about zigzag lines, vertical, diagonal, dotted and squiggly lines.  Eric told us not to forget blurred lines.  Ha!!!  Good connection to real life, Eric!

Another note sent home today

Please note:  I did not always highlight the outcome.  I wrote a note to each student at the top of the page to let them know what needed to be done.   September 17, 20 13 Dear Parents and Guardians, Welcome to Grade 5!   For the first several days of school we reviewed some Math concepts covered in Grade 4.   Attached to this letter you will see a booklet of work that your child recently completed.   We reviewed the booklets at our grade level and decided that we would send home the work that your child completed so that you can see the areas that your child will need to work on at home in order to be prepared for the demands of the Grade 5 Math curriculum.   Below you will see a list of the outcomes that were targeted with the booklet.   If a child experienced difficulty in an area we have highlighted that outcome.   We suggest you review the pages in the booklet focusing on that outcome as well as have your child complete the supplementary pages that we have chosen.

Terry Fox, let's tell Jeremy what we know!



Many thanks for all the food donations that have been sent in already.

French quiz and notes

From now on I will be posting notes that I give my class under the NOTES section of this blog.  If you click on NOTES you will see this message. September 24, 2013 Dear Students, Parents and Guardians, On __________________ , 2013 the Grade 5 students will be having a French quiz on their colours and numbers to 30. To prepare for this quiz the students should know their basic colours in French.   They will be asked to color some small pictures.   Each picture will be labeled with a color.   Here is a list of the colors that the students should know:   rouge-red, bleu-blue, jaune-yellow, brun-brown, blanc-white, noir-black, violet-purple, vert-green, orange-orange. For the second part of the quiz, I will be calling out a number between 1-30 and the students will need to write the number that I say.   Please note that students will not be asked to write the number in words .   Please visit , click on Teachers and then scroll down to the website f

Sebastian's presentation is a hit!

Erin getting an up close and personal view of a mussel.

Sebastian understands realistic goals

Here is what Sebastian told us today about realistic goals.  "Realistic goals- stuff you can accomplish" Good job, Sebastian!

Bring on the band!

Today was the big day, the day when Ms. Sullivan held her band auditions.  Everyone was pretty excited today as they awaited their turn for the much anticipated meeting with Ms. Sullivan. Everyone in my class has registered for the band.  They must be a musical bunch!  I am looking forward to hearing them play.

Winn-Dixie and potlucks

Last week I began reading the novel "Because of Winn-Dixie" to the students.  Each student has a copy to follow along so this read-aloud is going quite well. Today we came across the word potluck.  The word potluck proved difficult for some students and only a few stated that they had been to a potluck before.  If you can think of a time that your child attended a potluck please discuss the experience with them.  Perhaps we will need to have a class potluck when we finish reading this novel.

Way to go Kate!

Congratulations to Kate who showed us how to scan QR codes today.  The students completed interviews on each other using questions that they learned from QR codes.

Volunteering and raising money

Last year my students invited the Grade 4's to our French café.  We charged each student $1.00 and the money raised was used to buy food and supplies for the animals at the SPCA.  This summer I took the money and Grace to the SPCA to drop off our donations.  Raising money or collecting items for charity is one of our Grade 4 Religion outcomes.

Getting settled

Today we began our Health program.  The students proved that they knew a great deal about the difference between strengths, talents and abilities. Shout-out to the following students: Tyra for remembering standard form and Matthew for remembering expanded form!!

Here is the video I was telling you about

Have a look at this link:

Off to the races!

We had a great first day!  We spent some time getting to know each other today by completing an icebreaker activity.  The students learned who went to a wedding this summer, who likes Math a lot, who has allergies, who went camping over the summer and many other things. We also decided on our class rules.  The list that was suggested looks like this: No hands, No feet! Raise your hand No running No swearing Rewards! (and punishments (yikes!)

How to order in a French cafe


A third cafe video


Another video for the cafe


Our entertainment


Needed one Ferryland parent volunteer and reminder of cafe

Hi everyone, I am putting out a plea to find a parent to come with us to Ferryland on Tuesday.  If you can help out, please send me an e-mail. Thanks so much. Also, don't forget to bring in your cafe items tomorrow morning.

Your homework and reminders for tonight

Sorry about the late posting of this homework.  I meant to post the homework right after school and then I forgot.  When I got home I just about to post and realized that my fridge was on the fritz.  Always something! Here are the reminders for tonight 1) Fun Day forms* 2) Ferryland permission slips* 3) Poem presentation later this week 4) Band tomorrow - the new schedule that Ms. Sullivan e-mailed me is as follows: Tuesday June 4 you have band at 10:05 which means you won't miss technology, but you will miss gym!  I'll have to see if I can see Ms. Sullivan in the morning to see if there is any way that we can change the time, but I doubt there is considering she is only at our school for a limited time and your concert is Monday.  Come prepared for gym class just in case. Friday June 7 at 9:10 Monday June 10 at 10:45

Band tomorrow

Ms. Sullivan wanted me to tell you that there is band tomorrow in the pm.  You will have full band sessions on Tuesday, June, 4, Friday June 7 and Monday June 10 in order to prepare for your big concert. Don't forget to bring your instruments to school!

Ms. Bradley comes for a visit

I asked my neighbour to come and speak to the Grade 5 students about the respiratory system.  Ms. Bradley was a great help getting everyone ready for their Science test on Body Systems the next day.  thanks so much Denise!

City of St. John's Environmental presentation

Today we heard all about recycling, the waste management facility (not the dump).  The City of St. John's is trying hard to make our city more beautiful. The link to Curb It is

Buddhism presentation with Debbie Godden

We all learned a great deal about Buddhism today. We had a short meditation session and then Ms. Godden told us about some of the main aspects of the Buddhist faith.  have a look at some of the photos from our day.  tomorrow I've got a respiratory therapist coming to talk to the class.  she will meet some of our Health and Science outcomes.

3 more geoboard masterpieces showing perimeters of 20 cm


Perimeter on geoboards
