
Showing posts from January, 2013

Final Math Motion Geometry grade sent home today

January 28, 2013 Dear Parents and Guardians, Attached to this letter is a quiz that your child completed on the third part of our Motion Geometry unit.   We divided the   unit into three components:   translations, rotations and reflections. We are now finished our unit on Motion Geometry and we will be beginning our Multiplication unit this week. As you can see we have highlighted two scores on the charts below to give you an indication as to how your child performed during the rotations part of this unit as well as for the entire unit.   The first chart indicates a score on rotations and the second chart shows your child`s overall grade for Motion Geometry.   The overall grade is the one that you will see on your child`s Term 2 report card for Geometry. We have also attached your child`s quiz on rotations. You will see that there is a rubric attached to the first page of the rotations quiz, the score on this page lets you know how your child performed in the reasoning

Congratulations to the girls basketball team

on a fine performance over the weekend.  Special shout out to Emily R., Abby and Maria!!!

Reflections going home today

January 23, 2013 Dear Parents and Guardians, Attached to this letter is a quiz that your child completed on the second part of our Motion Geometry unit.   We have divided the unit into three components, translations, rotations and reflections.   We will be finished this unit by next week and then we will be moving onto our Multiplication unit. As you can see I have highlighted a score on the chart below to give you an indication on how your child performed on the reflections part of this unit.   Regards, Deanne Burton Snow and Christina Pyke     Rating Scale:          Name___________________________ Number_________ 5   Your child demonstrates a strong understanding of the outcomes 4   Your child demonstrates a good understanding of the outcomes 3   Your child demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of the outcomes 2   Your child demonstrates a beginning understanding of th

Rory was unveiled

During our first week back to school Rory made a little visit.  Rory is our new school mascot.  He is monitoring the progress that the students at MQP are making with the Positive Behaviours Matrix. This was the best photo that I could capture of Rory.

One snowstorm

Grrr!  As usual I'm having technology trouble.  I'll have to ask Mr. Walter for some help with attaching a couple of photos.  Yeah, I did it myself! Did you make one of these during your extra long weekend?

Data Management going home tomorrow

January 15, 2013 Dear Parents and Guardians, As many of you are aware, just before the holidays we were working on a short unit on Data Management in Math.   I have attached some of the pieces of work that your child completed during the course of the unit to this sheet.   I have also indicated a grade for the unit on this sheet.   As always, the grade is derived from in class work, anecdotal records, work completed with the assistance of technology as well as the samples that you see attached to this letter. I have listed the I CAN statements for this chapter on the following page.   The I CAN statements represent what your child should have been able to do at the end of the chapter. Please review this work with your child, sign this letter and then send it back to school so that I can file it for possible reference during our next parent teacher conference. Regards, Deanne Burton Snow   The I CAN statements for this chapter are as follows: ·         I c

Weather looming

Ok, so if you have checked out any of the weather forecasts for St. John's for later this week you already know that it is looking like a lot of snow is coming our way.  In the event that schools close sometime during the school day, I have to contact each child's parents.  22 phone calls is pretty hectic in a short time period so in the event that school has to close during the instructional day over the course of the winter I will send out an e-mail to parents who regularly check their e-mail messages during the school day.  If you get the message then you can respond to me to let me know if your child should take the school bus, get picked up by someone, etc.  My intern Ms. Pyke will assist with answering e-mails and/or making phone calls so if you do get a call from a Ms. Pyke you will know that she is my student intern.  So, what I need parents to do is... send me an e-mail if you are a person who could likely be contacted via e-mail if schools were to close down sometim

Time to translate!

It's off to the races with Motion Geometry.  Today we learned how to translate an image using geoboards. For some extra review at home of rotations, translations and reflections you should check out the website below.  We'll be playing this game in class tomorrow. Thanks to Ms. Sheppard for sharing this little site with us!

Get some sleep

Now that we are back to school it's time to get to sleep.  Christian, Ben and all others who were tired today... go to bed early.  Ben, put the book away after half an hour, I didn't think I'd ever say that to a child!