Weather looming

Ok, so if you have checked out any of the weather forecasts for St. John's for later this week you already know that it is looking like a lot of snow is coming our way.  In the event that schools close sometime during the school day, I have to contact each child's parents.  22 phone calls is pretty hectic in a short time period so in the event that school has to close during the instructional day over the course of the winter I will send out an e-mail to parents who regularly check their e-mail messages during the school day.  If you get the message then you can respond to me to let me know if your child should take the school bus, get picked up by someone, etc.  My intern Ms. Pyke will assist with answering e-mails and/or making phone calls so if you do get a call from a Ms. Pyke you will know that she is my student intern. 

So, what I need parents to do is... send me an e-mail if you are a person who could likely be contacted via e-mail if schools were to close down sometime during the school day.  I'll add you to my list of people to contact and as soon as I get word that we're closing then I'll send out the message.  Then you can start firing back e-mails as to how your child will be getting home.

I hope this all makes sense,


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