
Showing posts from 2014

Happy Holidays!

Wishing you all a safe and Happy Holidays! Enjoy the break with your friends and family. I look forward to seeing you all again in the new year. Ms. Ropson

Time to sing some carols!


The first of 2 Nativity videos Have a look.

A nativity video   Oh I hope this works. Here is a video I took today when Grace and I visited the Basilica Museum. Enjoy! I told you that there were displays from all over the world. I saw a couple of nativities from Mexico, but I didn't see any of the piñatas that they use for La Posada.

Nativities at the Basilica

This is a nativity made from clay. It is from  Honduras. This one is from Peru and the nativity below is an Innu creation. Grace standing next to their giant Christmas tree.


Congratulations are in order for our top three spellers!  First Place James Second Place Helen Third Place Evan James will represent our class at the school Spelling Bee later this year.

Math data management activity

Christmas Craft

Students will be completing a Christmas craft tomorrow afternoon. If you have any spare/loose buttons you no longer need we'd greatly appreciate any you can donate to our class. We will be putting them together and sharing with our classmates. If you do not have any, do not worry. We will have plenty. Any size, shape or color would be great. Thanks! Sara Ropson

Head and Feet Day tomorrow

Tomorrow is decorate your head and feet if you are interested in participating.

Friday Ice Cream Sale

Just a reminder that Friday will be an ice cream day! $1 for a polar bar.

Spelling Bee

I sent home this note today to explain our   class bee. Students have a list of words that they can study and our class bee will be next Friday.

Friends for Life

Congratulations to all my friends on the completion of the Friends for Life program!

What a smartie!

Congratulations to Brianna for knowing that the mathematical word to describe the numbers on the x-axis of a bar graph.  A SCALE!!!

Congratulations Ms. Ropson!

I am pleased to announce that Ms. Ropson will be replacing me when I begin maternity leave. Deanne Burton Snow

Note sent home today

Have a look for this Spelling/Grammar note in your child's backpack.

We will see Claire

when we head to the Arts and Culture Centre to see "Scrooge." Claire is in the Children's Choir.

A big accomplishment

for Evan!

Homework reminders for Wednesday November 25

1) 15 minutes silent reading 2) Dismissal tomorrow at 11:00 3) Parent interviews tomorrow 4) No school Fri. PD Day 5) Soccer registration due tomorrow 6) Bake sale tomorrow- popcorn or a cookie 50 cents 7) Music tomorrow

Anti-bullying t-shirt winner

Congratulations to James for being the class winner of our design an anti-bullying t-shirt

Shout out to Nina

Good job answering your French calendar questions this morning, Nina!

Book Fair

We will visit the Book Fair on Wednesday afternoon.

OPTIS interviews

For parents who will begin booking interviews via our online OPTIS system today... Please be advised that you should book your interview under the name Burton Snow, however, both myself and Ms. Ropson will be at the interviews.

Making Base 10 cubes

Congratulations to Oliver for mastering how to draw a Base 10 cube today. We are all proud of you, Oliver!

Band Tomorrow!

Sorry boys and girls we forgot to write band in our agendas! Band tomorrow for those of you who play: saxophone, clarinet and flute.

Care for a little fitness?

I just got this information forwarded to me.  It sounds like it could be fun! Ms. Burton Snow   ‘ MOVE IT’ Family Fun Day Families of all ages and abilities are encouraged to join us on Sunday, November 23rd for an afternoon of physical activity including: obstacle courses, target games, active tot spot, crafts, bouncy castles, ‘skollyball’, hooping, and much more. There will also be active and healthy living displays from Recreation Division, Humane Services, HIGH FIVE, Eat, Great and Participate, Janeway Lifestyles Program, War Amps ‘Play Safe’ and many others. Don’t miss it! Location: NL Sports Centre (Power Plex) Date: Sunday, Nov. 23, 2014 Time: 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.  

Scratch art

Wait until you see the scratch art paintings that your children completed with Ms. Ropson. It was a lot of work, but they turned out really well! I will post a photo tomorrow after I get the rest of them hung in our gallery. Ms. Burton Snow

Ms. Burton Snow returns

Today I came back to school. I will be your child's teacher every day until the lunch break. Ms. Ropson will teach your child during the afternoon session. You will see a memo from me in your child's schoolbag.

Long Weekend

Just a reminder that this weekend the student's have a long weekend.  Students have NO SCHOOL on the following days: Friday: Teacher PD day Monday: District Holiday Tuesday: Remembrance Day Enjoy the little break and see you all on Wednesday! Ms, Sara Ropson

Remembrance Day Assembly

Reminder to all students: If you can, please wear red, black and/or white tomorrow for our Remembrance Day assembly. Thank you.

Happy Halloween!

Hope you all have a fun and safe Halloween! Remember to be safe. Watch out for traffic, wear reflective clothing\lights\glow sticks so you can be easily seen and have an adult sort through your treats with you when you get home. Be safe and have fun! See you Monday! Mrs Sara Ropson


Happy Halloween! Tomorrow we will be having a Halloween celebration. Students can wear their costumes in the afternoon only. Some parents have expressed interest in picking their child up for lunch to assist them in getting ready; if you plan to do so please send in a note or email ( If you are sending along a treat for your child to share with their classmates please to aware of our peanut free policy. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Happy Halloween! Sara Ropson


Monday we will be going on our field trip to the Geo Centre. Students are asked to bring a packed lunch that day as we will not be back in time for cafeteria services. Thank you and have a great weekend. Sara Ropson

No School Monday

Just a reminder that there will be no school for students on Monday, October 20th. Teachers have a Professional Development day. Have a great weekend!

New email address for Mrs. Ropson

Preferred email address: There are days when I do not get an opportunity to check my email until the end of the day. For messages that are time sensitive please call the school and the office will forward along the message.  Thank you! Sara Ropson

Computer Issues

Our classroom computer has been giving me some grief the past couple days. Things are now back on track and homework posts will continue. Thank you for your support, Sara Ropson


Good Evening, Just wanted to share some reminders with you all as majority of the class did not get to take their agenda's home with them this afternoon.  1) tomorrow is Ice Cream Day. Students can bring $1 and receive a Fudgesicle during recess. This will be an ongoing event the last Friday of every month. 2) Cross Country on Saturday. Register online. 3) Gym tomorrow 4) Presentations will continue tomorrow Our first field trip of the year was a huge success. Many thanks to those parents who volunteered to accompany us. A great time was had by all!

Field Trip

Reminder:  Tomorrow we will be going on our field trip. Please remember to pack a healthy recess and lunch. No cafeteria orders tomorrow.

Gym and Music Reminder

Reminder:  Gym and Music tomorrow (Tuesday, September 23). My apologies, I forgot to have students write gym and music in their agendas.

Thank you

I just wanted to say thank you to those who attended last night's curriculum night. For those who were unable to attend or I didn't get a chance to speak with, I would welcome the opportunity in the future. You should all be so proud of your children. They are a wonderful group of individuals; they are so kind to one another, respectful, and creative. Each and every one of them are a delight to work with. I was asked last night about our gym and music schedule. Here are the days that we have those classes as well as library and buddy reading. Day 1: Music and Gym Day 2: Buddy Reading Day 4: Gym Day 5: Music, Gym and Choir Day 6: Library (this will be starting next week) Day 7: Music If you have any other questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me. For those who were unable to make it last night, I gave out my personal email for you to use while waiting for my professional one to be set up. or call the school. If your email requ

Good Afternoon!

Good Afternoon Parents/Guardians: Thank you for being so patient as I settle into Mme Burton-Snow's routines. I am new to blogging so your continued patience is greatly appreciated. I received a "crash course" from our Technology Specialist today so from this point on I will continue updating homework daily, as well as posting any important information/reminders you may need to know. As you probably already know, my name is Mrs Sara Ropson. I received my Bachelor of Education degree in 2005 from the University of Alberta. I am currently completing my Bachelor of Special Education degree through Memorial University of Newfoundland. I have experience in both the regular classroom setting as well as special education settings, some of that experience has been gained here at MQP. So far my time here in your child's class has been great! Your children are such a fabulous group of individuals; so kind to one another and very respectful. They are truly a pleasure to work

Ms. Ropson

Dear Parents and Guardians,  Ms. Sara Ropson will continue to post homework and other information on my blog.  Thank you for your well wishes.  Deanne Burton Snow

An update

Dear Parents, I am writing today to let you know that I have been diagnosed with a pregnancy related condition that prevents me from working at this time. Ms. Sara Ropson will be substituting for me this week. Deanne Burton Snow

Art lesson today


Art today


The view of the harbour today


Band Talk with Ms. Sullivan

Your band form is due in Wednesday if you are interested in joining the band.

Weekend reminders

1) Gym class Mon. 2) please bring back your student form and small data sheet 3) cafeteria menu was sent home Fri.

Day 2

Homework 1) Double sided student data form 2) small data form 3) Health- count the number of smoke alarms in your house

First day of Grade 5

Your agendas will not be ready for a couple of weeks. Here are your homework reminders for tonight: 1) Student Data form double sided sheet 2) small student form 3) no cafeteria service until Monday

Astronaut Jeremy Hansen

We enjoyed the wonderful presentation by Astronaut Jeremy Hansen today. Many thanks to him and the Let's Talk Science team!

A visit that's out of this world!

Tomorrow we have an exciting visitor - Canadian astronaut Jeremy Hansen will be visiting our school to give a talk. Here is a link for more information about Jeremy Hansen: *If students are absent from school, please send emails/notes to Ms. Gardner: Thank you!

Remembering a friend


Zumba at Choral Connections

Lots of smiles during a Zumba lesson today at Choral Connections. There were some pretty cool moves!

Congratulations Liam!

Liam scored two goals in a hockey tournament last week.

Homework for tonight

April 29, 2013 1) 50/50 Tickets* 2) Class photo $2.00* 3) Field trip form for Friday* 4) Read 15 minutes 5) Math- do #4 on page 359 6) Socials or Science homework if assigned by Ms. Sheppard or Ms. Cowley I'll be back tomorrow.  I can't wait to read about your Easter vacations.

Homework for April 28

1) Earth Day sheets due tomorrow 2) book for buddy reading tomorrow 3) field trip note for Music (if it went home today) 4) 50/50 money and tickets

A treat from Victoria


A little yoga

Many thanks to the City of St. John's and Soul Warrior Yoga for Youth for teaching my students the basic art of yoga and meditation.

The other winner


Easter representing

We had an old fashioned coloring and design contest. Here are the three winners:

Math League Success

We are the champions! Congratulations to all the students in my class who participated in the Math League Competition. You all did a great job!

Is it really Spring?

Can you believe it? I told you there were les jonquilles in the flowerbed!

Ten minutes of Spring


The Brave


Sigh! A pattern block mishap


Farfadet booklet

Homework for April 2


French Prepositions French Prepositions Chanson🇫🇷

Band on Thursday

Hi everyone, Ms. Sullivan sent me an email late yesterday. You have full band on Thursday.
Today was a pretty hectic day.  The students had technology class where they made some spectacular I-movies.  They had a Music and Choir class plus an Awards Assembly.  Hopefully in the third term we will have some award winners from our class.

Ms. Meehan kissed the Blarney Stone


Gym tomorrow. Come prepared.

Hi everyone, I hope you enjoyed your snow day. You should come prepared for gym tomorrow even though it is not your regular class. On Wednesday, Day 5, you are supposed to have gym but there is an awards assembly scheduled for the same time.  Mr. Fewer asked if we could come tomorrow last period instead.

Thanks Ms. Bradley

Today we had Ms. Denise Bradley come to our class to tell us all about the respiratory system.  We now have a good picture as to how your lungs look when you smoke.  Blech!

Test Post

Just checking to see if the twitter works.

Bioglyph homework Click here for the link to see how to complete your bioglyph

Band tomorrow

Guys, I remembered as I was walking out with the bus students... you have Band tomorrow! 8:50 Low Brass 9:20 Percussion 10:05 Saxophone 10:35 Flute 11:05 Clarinet

Health presentation from Heart and Stroke


Students who have been absent...

Take a look at this video to help you catch up.  



Anti-Bullying Day

I told you I made my little lady wear pink.

Your colors

Don't forget to wear your special colors tomorrow. Also, remember to wear something that is lightweight so that you can easily slip into your new Stand Up To Bullying shirt for our assembly tomorrow.

The old way

Today I showed the students how to complete two digit by two digit problems "the old way".

Homework for tonight

There is some trouble with our internet connection here today. Here is a picture of the homework.

Amelia steals the show

This little lady has been called up to the Advanced Band. We are all so proud of you!

Valentines Day is the best!


Wear your colours tomorrow

Guys, I didn't write this reminder in the homework, but it was on the parent newsletter that was sent electronically to your patents a few days ago. Team Canada wear red and white Team USA wear blue Team Sweden wears yellow Team France wears white Team Germany wears black Team Russia should wear red

Online Dice

Here is a link you can use in case you do not have any dice or cards at home.

A great weather presentation


Top Spellers

Congratulations to Ranjeevan and Matthew for their hard work in the Spelling Bee yesterday!

Upcoming Science quiz

Ms. Sheppard has the quiz outline on her blog and will give you a copy of the Study Guide tomorrow.

Rubric for Book Talk

Name: ________________________ Title of book: ____________________ Self and Teacher Assessment:   Book Talk 1.       The introduction included key information about the book.   (Title, author, date of publication, number of pages, genre, special features, purpose etc. ) Student                5                  4                  3                  2                  1 Teacher                        5                       4                       3                       2                       1 2.       The information shared was very helpful and interesting to the audience (Reason for choosing, favorite part, overall impression, brief description etc.) Student                5                  4                  3                  2                  1 Teacher                        5                       4                       3                       2                       1 3.       The book talk included a recommendation and reason for recommendati

Book Talk Note

January 10, 2014 Dear Students, Parents and Guardians, This is a note to tell you about a Book Talk assignment that your child will be presenting in class.   The purpose of this Language Arts assignment is to have each child present a book that he/she has read.   Some students are currently halfway through a book so I told them that it would be fine to present that book.   Other students will need to choose a book to read.   During the presentation the student should provide details about the book such as the title, author, date of publication, number of pages and genre (type) of book.   Students should also look at the attached rubric to see the other things that they should address during the presentation. The student is also expected to provide his/her recommendation for the book.   Attached to this letter you will see a page dedicated to Presenting Book Talks as well as one that assists students with writing a One-Minute Speech . I have posted a video on my blo

Translations note went home this week

Here is the note that I sent home earlier this week attached to some work that your child completed on Math Translations in December.   January 13, 2014 Dear Parents and Guardians, Attached to this letter is some work that your child completed on the first part of our Motion Geometry unit.   I have divided the unit into three components, translations, reflections and rotations.   We will be finished this unit by the end of January and then we will be moving onto our Multiplication unit. Please expect to see some work on rotations and reflections come home next week.   As you can see, I have highlighted a score on the chart below to give you an indication on how your child is performing so far in this unit. There are a number of outcomes for this chapter so I have listed the I CAN statements on the back of this page for you.   Please note that this is just a beginning grade for your child for this unit.   We still need to complete our work on reflections and rotatio

Yikes, Gym tomorrow not Music!

Guys, You have gym tomorrow and not music.  Make sure you tell your friends to be sure that they know too!
Good Fit books

Coming back

Hi everyone, Tomorrow is Day 2 and you will have Gym class in the morning.  Make sure you dress warmly. Bring a long sleeved sweater with you. See you tomorrow. I'm sure you will have lots to tell me about.