Book Talk Note

January 10, 2014

Dear Students, Parents and Guardians,

This is a note to tell you about a Book Talk assignment that your child will be presenting in class. 

The purpose of this Language Arts assignment is to have each child present a book that he/she has read.  Some students are currently halfway through a book so I told them that it would be fine to present that book.  Other students will need to choose a book to read.  During the presentation the student should provide details about the book such as the title, author, date of publication, number of pages and genre (type) of book.  Students should also look at the attached rubric to see the other things that they should address during the presentation.

The student is also expected to provide his/her recommendation for the book.  Attached to this letter you will see a page dedicated to Presenting Book Talks as well as one that assists students with writing a One-Minute Speech.

I have posted a video on my blog of a Newfoundland student presenting a Book Talk.  The video was posted on January 9 and is called Good Fit Books.  Alternatively, you can view the video using the following link:

Finally, I have also provided the students with a copy of the rubric I will be using to grade the Book Talk.  The students are encouraged to have a little card prepared to use as they present.  The boy in the video actually has his card taped to the back of his novel.  There is no minimum number of pages for the book, however, I have asked the students to choose an appropriate book for them.  The students have already seen the Good Fit Books video, however, it would be a good idea to watch it again with your child.  The students also had the opportunity to hear several students from Mme McCormack’s class present their Book Talks to the class so they should have lots of good ideas about what constitutes a good Book Talk.


We will begin our presentations during the first week of February.

Your child’s presentation date is: ___________________________


Deanne Burton Snow



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