Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you all! Hope everyone had an enjoyable break with their family and friends.

We are all happy to be back to school with our friends and teachers. Everyone came in eager this morning to get right back to work and we all had a very productive day. Great way to start 2015! Let's keep this up!

Mme. Burton-Snow is now off on her maternity leave and I will be teaching your children for the remainder of this school year. If you ever have any questions or concerns please contact me. My email is sareropson@nlesd.ca or you can call the school and I will get back to you. I will be maintaining and updating Mme. Burton-Snow's blog and homework pages for the remainder of this year; you are all familiar with this and it works well, so it's the easiest thing for everyone.

For the next several weeks we will be working on multiplication. Please practice and review multiplication facts with your child daily. Having your child roll two dice and multiply them together is a good way of practicing and they really enjoy it!

Ms. Ropson


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