
Showing posts from November, 2010

Literature Circles

Today I introduced the students to the concept of Literature Circles.  Each student chose a book to read (they had 2 choices).  Every night your child will have one or two chapters to read and a worksheet to complete.  The time they spend reading can be counted as Reading Log time.  Here are some photos of the two books you can expect to see coming home over the next two weeks.  Also, please see the note that was sent home to parents to further describe Literature Circles. This website looks like it has some nice activities that focus on vocabulary... not a bad idea. This picture is slightly different from the one that appears on the cover of the novels that the students have.  This book would be classified as Adventure. Our second book.  This book  is Historical Fiction.   An interesting site for students who want to learn more about slaves and their connection to Nov

Spelling and Math Facts

Today you will see that your child has a list of 20 Spelling words.  This week we are focusing on contractions as they seem to be rather challenging.  We had a pre-test today to assess what the students already know. After the pre-test they highlighted the words on the list that they got incorrect.  Many students knew how to spell words like I'd and I'm, but did not write with a capital letter.  I have some students who are putting capital letters in the middle of words so I am trying to stomp that out as well. There were also two activities sent home.  The first activity gives a list of sentences and the students need to write the contraction on the line.  The next sheet is meant to be a fun game to play with your child.  You will need two different colored leads or crayons.  You choose a contraction, color it and then find the match over on the side.  You color the matches.  Whoever gets a line of 7 first is the winnner!  I think the students will enjoy playing this with yo

Interesting Islamic Presentation!

Today the class was lucky enough to have Dr. Azher, Muneeb's mother, come to our class to discuss the Islamic belief system.  We learned about the 5 Pillars of Islam, Eid, Ramadan and so many other things.  Her presentation was very interesting and it really helped us to learn more about the Islamic faith. Many thanks to Dr. Azher for taking the time to come to our class today.  Your powerpoint presentation was just spectacular! How well did you listen to the presentation today?  Tell Mom or Dad what is happening in this photo. Examples of the jewelry that Muslim women wear during Eid.  The bracelets are made of glass. She even gave out little treats to everyone!  Yum!

Yum, taffy!

Today is Sainte Catherine's today in Quebec, also known as "Taffy Day."  My husband prepared taffy for the class since my own culinary skills are rated at about a 1 (I do burn toast). The sticky confection was enjoyed by all.

Ramadan and Eid

There were some interesting answers to the question related to "What is Eid?"  Many answers were quite entertaining (Mr. J) and appreciated on a cool November morning.  Eid is a Muslim celebration that happens after Ramadan.  Ramadan is a period of fasting.  After the fasting ends there is a feast and gifts are exchanged.  One of our parents has graciously volunteered (i.e. I begged her) to come in to speak to the class on Friday to discuss the Islamic faith.  We are all looking forward to her visit.  Here are a couple of pages from the foldable books that the students made about Ramadan today.  Don't you think they are great? Courtesy of Elly Courtesy of Nick Riley drew the 5 Pillars on his cover.

Another one bites the dust and Eid

Another Math test was completed today, that makes two under our belts now!  We also talked about Eid today.  Part of the homework for tonight involves the students asking their parents what they know about Eid.  I told them that I did not think that many parents would know what they were talking about.  Please write your response to their question in your child's agenda.  Hint, it has something to do with Religion.

Mental Math

Today we spent a long time reviewing how to approach Mental Math questions.  We worked on the questions on p. 98 which served as good review for the test.  One way the students figured out how to answer 1000-299 was 1000-300= 700 so 1000-299=701.  There was some difficulty with understanding that they would actually have more for their answer in the second example.  I decided to show them how to think about the problem using smaller numbers.  For example 10-6=4 and 10-5=5.  I told them to think about it as if you take away less you keep more.  It is not an easy concept.

Talking Chips and Photo Retakes

On Friday we did a jigsaw grouping activity using talking chips.  Each student is assigned a home group and a working group.  The working groups complete specific tasks and then report their findings back to their home groups.  Since there are some students who like to talk more than others I gave each student 5 talking chips.  In order to speak you have to put one chip in the pot.  When all your chips are gone, you guessed it, you have to listen!  I am delighted to report that this activity went very well.  All students will meet with their home groups tomorrow to share what they have learned. As an added note... I forgot to ask the students to write Photo Retakes in their agendas on Friday.  In case any of you were planning on having your child get a photo retake, the big day is tomorrow.

La Fete de la Sainte Catherine

Today we learned about Sainte Catherine during our French culture class.  Don't be surprised if someone wants to make taffy tonight.                                                                        

French Listening

Today we did two French listening activities about Objects in the classroom.  The students are now demonstrating a good understanding of the names of French objects so we will begin to shift our focus away from this area.  The next goal is to improve French communication!  Next term I will have three or four new French questions on my website.  Please encourage your child to watch a little French television when possible... 10 minutes here and there can make a difference.

Munsch heads to Labrador

Guys, have a look at the link below.  It looks like Mr. Munsch is going to be writing a book about part of our beautiful province! Robert Munsch in Labrador

Christianity and Baptism

Today we had a good discussion about Christianity and how we would celebrate the birthday of a church.  The students generated a list of good ideas as to how we could celebrate a Church Birthday.  We also had a discussion about baptism.  I told the students a little about what happens when a person is baptized.  I brought in a Christening gown for everyone to see.  In the next few weeks we will be discussing Islam and Judiasm and I am hoping to have some guest speakers come to talk to the class.

Canada Post Calling!

Eager to buy stamps Today we made our way to Shopper's Drug Mart to mail our friendly letters.  It was an interesting experience for everyone.  I know the students delighted in the fact that they were able to purchase their own stamps.  Have a look at some of the photos below... I wish I could show faces. Some letters went Air Mail   When we got back to school we did a Math activity using the receipts that the cashier gave each student.  The students had to write what they bought, provide a representation of the money they used to pay and a second representation to show the change they received.  Some students were able to demonstrate several other ways that they could have received their change. A very neat and well organized piece of work.  Can you guess the author of this work?

Assembly and French Video

Today we had our Remembrance Day assembly.  It was a very interesting assembly hosted by the Grade 6 students and their teachers.  I read the students a book about Remembrance Day a few days ago and many have shared stories of relatives who have served in past wars or are currently serving as peacekeepers.  On another note, my French video is up and running.... one parent (with very keen listening skills... I'm sure he'll like that remark)  has let me know that I seem to ask the same question twice.  I can't view the video at my house, for some reason my computer shuts down every time I try to open it (but that's another story) so I'll have to take his word for it. Here is how your child should respond to the question What day is it?  Quelle est la date aujourd'hui? C'est le (whatever the date of the month is) novembre, 2010. The other question is supposed to be C'est quel jour? Then they can respond with... C'est lundi.  (It's Monday.)

Parlez vous francais?

Today I finally got my French interview questions posted under the French Questions icon on my blog.  The students saw it twice today during technology class and I am sure many of you will see it tonight.  I hope it helps the children learn French and prepare for their individual interviews.  Of course I hope you get a laugh out of it too.

Purchasing Postage

Thank you to all the parents who were so quick to sign and return the permission forms.  Also, a big thank you to the parents who sent in postage money with their child today.  Hopefully, I will have all permission forms returned to me by Monday and we will be able to capitalize on the best day.  Looking forward to it.

Garbage, garbage everywhere!

I have been finding that the students are not cleaning up after themselves as they should.  We are currently working on putting our garbage or recycling in the correct place.  Let's just say it is a work in progress.

Robert Munsch

Today we read a passage about Robert Munsch.  I also read the students two Robert Munsch stories, which were enjoyed by all!  We are currently working on a CAMET reading assessment on Robert Munsch.  Later this week or early next week I will be giving the students a CAMET reading passage to do on their own.  As indicated in my reading comprehension newsletter last week, we will now shift our focus from answering basic comprehension questions to those that require more detail.  The students will need to use their own experiences to support their answers.  Please remember to work on the extra reading comprehension at home when you get a chance.

Self Esteem

Today in Health we learned about self-esteem, self-image, body language and tension.  If you get a chance try to talk to your child about how important it is to have a positive self-image.